Essex Ham’s Review of 2013

We’re just hours away from the New Year, and so we thought we’d release a compilation video featuring some of the amateur radio activities in Essex over the last twelve months. The following video lasts just over 8 minutes, and if you’re an Essex Ham – watch closely, as you may appear!

Video Content

Here’s an overview of what’s featured in our video, plus links to the stories that we’ve carried on Essex Ham in 2013:

Essex Ham in 2013

It’s been a very busy year for Essex Ham. Here’s a summary of some of the highlights:

  • Creation of Foundation Training material (115 slides, plus supporting material) – Now used by four training groups in the UK
  • Exclusive interview with TV presenter and radio amateur Jason Bradbury
  • A major revamp of the website to support a community of Essex Hams – Essex Ham Membership is free, and we now have over 60 members.
  • Creation of a new series of Amateur Radio: Getting Started Guides
  • Essex Ham’s first software package, the PSK31 app, EssexPSK (Thanks to Charlie M0PZT)
  • Introduction of an online chatroom to support the Monday Night Net
  • Promotion of amateur radio in Essex in the press, ham radio podcasts, on the RSGB news broadcast and on numerous websites (Essex Ham 2013 Press Cuttings)
  • Promotion of amateur radio in Essex at rallies and RSGB events outside Essex
  • A new recruit to the team – Kelly M6KFA, from the FrequencyCast Tech Podcast
  • Activities to promote the hobby to people in Essex, including:
    • Creation of a “What is amateur radio” talk – delivered to two organisations so far
    • Creation of two “introduction videos”
    • Creation of free Essex Ham car stickers
    • Creation of handouts used at field events
  • Reception of SSTV images from the ISS, a look at the Centenary RSGB receiver, reception of local high altitude balloon signals, and day one reception of the FUNCube-1 satellite

All that, in addition to regular Monday Night Nets, coverage of club nights and field events, plus various “how to” guides.

 A big thanks

A really big ‘Essex Ham’ thanks to everyone that’s submitted material to the site, helped to spread the word, taken part in our net or in our forum, come and said hello at an event, or made contact to thank us for our help. Essex Ham is a non-profit site that’s here to try to promote amateur radio and keen people in the hobby. Your support is much appreciated, and with your help, we can make 2014 a great year for amateur radio.

Here’s hoping for a great year, with good DX, in 2014!

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  1. Jim 2E0RMI 1 January 2014 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 1 January 2014 Reply
  2. Yan M0YNK 1 January 2014 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 1 January 2014 Reply

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