The Monday Night Net was launched in October 2011, by Pete M0PSX and Jim 2E0RMI with the aim of creating a meeting place for new M6 Foundation licence holders to talk, ask questions and gain confidence.
Essex Ham’s Net has now become a regular on-air meeting place for both newly-licensed hams as well as experienced amateur radio operators, and enables local hams to share information, ask for advice, and get to meet new voices.
You can find the latest information about the Monday Night Net on
When and Where?
The Essex Ham Net normally takes place on a Monday Evening, starting at 8pm, and running until around 10pm. The net takes place on the GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater.
How the Net Works…
The Net is moderated by a ‘Controller’. Normally, the Monday Night Net is chaired by either Pete M0PSX or Rachel G6AMY. The Net operates in a rotation. The Chair keeps a list of who’s on frequency, and tries to give everyone a turn in rotation.
If you want to join, please wait for the net controller to ask for new members to join. Normally a call goes out for new participants when the bottom of the rotation is reached. If you want to be added to the list and don’t want to wait until the call for new people goes out, then get the controller’s attention by breaking in with your callsign when there’s a pause in the conversation – you’ll be acknowledged and invited in by the controller.
Remember, the GB3DA Danbury repeater has a timeout of 2 minutes – please try to keep your turn within the timeout, and to be fair to others on the net by not going over the 2 minute limit per over.
A quick reminder that participants shouldn’t be making on-air references to any QRM, not addressing anyone who doesn’t hold an amateur radio licence. Feel free to log it using the Essex Ham QRM log though.
Monday Night Net LiveLive ChatWhen the Net is live, we operate a chatroom – handy for those who can’t join in, or want to chat whilst waiting for their turn – Go to Streaming AudioWhere possible, we run a free live stream for those not able to listen on the radio. If you find the stream useful, a small donation would be appreciated to help cover our streaming server costs.
Data Protection Notice: Messages transmitted over amateur radio as part of an Essex Ham Net are streamed online and recorded. Names and callsigns of net participants are logged and a summary of attendees made public via this website. We believe this to be for reasons of ‘Legitimate Interest’ under GDPR regulations. Messages posted in the Net chatroom may be relayed over-air as part Essex Ham’s Net, if the Net Controller deems it to be relevant to on-air discussion. See our Terms & Privacy Policy for more. |

Previous Nets
When possible, the Net Controller publishes a summary of the night’s activities. You can find a list of Monday Night Net Logs here: Essex Ham Net Logs
Chat to other Essex Hams
Net not running? Want to chat with other local hams? Post a message and get chatting in the Essex Ham Forum.

Thanks & Disclaimer
Essex Ham would like to thank the Essex Repeater Group for allowing us to use the GB3DA repeater for our Monday Night and Essex YL Nets. This repeater, together with GB3ER, GB3DB and GB7ZP are managed by volunteers. ERG would appreciate your support which can be by membership or donation, online at
Please note that our nets are recorded for the protection of our participants. Audio from repeaters around the UK, including GB3DA, may be streamed online and available via web SDRs, so comments on GB3DA may be heard outside of the repeater’s coverage area.
The views and opinions expressed by participants of our nets do not necessarily reflect the views of Essex Ham and/or the Net Controller.
As a result of some participants being targeted, it has sadly become necessary to record and archive copies of each Monday Night Net. Should one of our members be targeted, they can ask us for a copy of the recording if needed. This service is there for the protection of our participants.
Related links
- Monday Night Net Reports
- Essex Ham Young Ladies Net
- Setting up GB3DA
- Streaming Internet Repeater Feeds
- Using a repeater – Our guide on getting started with repeaters
- Amateur Radio Nets in Essex
hi listening on the net tonight and 2E0TNC tom was a 100% it is a hobby people should not be forced to advance all it will do is push people away. i am a M6 and i am happy with that i talk to people local. so i agree with tom thanks to you for your comments and standing up for M6 call signs. jon grays essex freedom of choice its a hobby after all.
Pete! I’ve just got to nip out, so miss me out for the next couple of rounds please … I’ll be back!!!
M6ECG :)
Enjoyed first time on the Monday NET. And BTW, great helpful website enjoying as a newby the mass of information. I know the time and effort it takes to run a website. Good Job !
Efforts and gains with SSTV MMSSTV and Icom 706…???
To activate TX with VOX shall I paralell the AUdio to PIN 13
and of course select Menu 706 to vox on FM mode for vhf andadjust VOX setting on the side of the rig…Yes..??
The approach if I use FSK (pint 10 and also feed paralell
audio to PIN 13 to activate Vox and adjsut VOX settings
on 706 on the side controls….Yes..? andor ???.
When using VIEW on MMSSTV select level indicator….there is
no new window..just the right top ??and shat will the level be
adjusted full.medium,??? with the Speaker level from radio..???.
Sorry but this is the first time EVER on SSTV and many of us
will be trying shortly after my sucess and or failure….???.
I am close to sucess I feel…Thanks so so much….
73 from the Andes of Ecuador.
Ted Hc5k
Sorry but not familiar with your rig, so can’t help with the pins for VOX. I trigger using PTT, not VOX.
Levels – aim to stay in the green – red will clip. You may need to experiment to get the levels right
There is a good guide on setting up the MMSSTV software here:
Good luck!
Hi Pete …hope all is going well ive not been able to join the net for a few weeks but im looking back on the topics.
hope to join in some time soon
We’d wondered where you’d gone… hope to catch up with you on the net soon
From a personal perspective i think it is allways better to improve ones knowledge, understanding and skills.
In the future there has to be some one that can pass on the more advanced knowledge and information to the next generation and so forth.
Embrace all the Information and feed the mind !!
Agreed Neil – that’s why the Net was originally set up, and that’s what the new Skills Workshops are all about.
Can you re-set my password carnt log in tomy account and now im locked out !!….for the life of me carnt remember what i used for a passowrd
must be a few dead brian cells
Hi Neil – You can request a password reset here: Forgotten password – The email address you’ve registered isn’t the same as the one you’ve commented with. Also note that your username is uppercase. If you’re still having problems, please use “Contact Us” and let me know the error message you’re getting.
Any chance anyone knows how to work dmr md380 radio?
Yes, a few of us have them. Best to ask in our forum if you have any specific questions about this radio.
Wish I COULD join in, only have a Baofeng UV-5RT with the antenna it came with. I passed my foundation exam a couple of weeks ago but have not been able to speak to anybody yet. M7CMI.
You’re welcome to listen to the online stream and take part via the chatroom – both designed for people unable to reach us. If you need help / advice on a better antenna, see
thanks, will check it out.
I went for a in my exam M7CMI
Thanks for letting the super amateurs in, enjoying listening to the chatter. I am awaiting a training course for my foundation and looking forward to getting on the airwaves. “RedFox” – Welwyn Garden City