Amateur Radio Training in Essex

Kelly, UK Ham Radio FoundationWhether you’re looking to get into the amateur radio hobby for the first time, or you want to progress to a higher licence level, the best way is often to sign up on a training course – either a free online course, or a paid course run by a local amateur radio club.

Our group offers a free online course, or alternatively, there are several clubs and groups around the UK that offer amateur radio training. Typically, the courses are run by volunteers. Fees are pretty low, and typically include the RSGB exam fee, the “Foundation Licence Manual” training book and fees to cover hiring the training venue.

On this page, we list the clubs and organisations that offer amateur radio training courses in the Essex area.

For information on what you’ll need to learn for the entry-level Foundation course, see: How to become a ham.

Latest (2023): Clubs in and around Essex are now allowed to hold training and exam sessions once again – the RSGB has removed the practical element, making it possible for people to take training courses and exams online from home. You now have the choice of online, or traditional in-person training & exams.

Course Types:

There are three levels of amateur radio licence in the UK, as follows:

  • Foundation: The entry-level licence. Courses consist of theory training and a 26-question multiple-choice test.
  • Intermediate:  Building on the Foundation, this is a theory-based multiple-choice exam that allows more transmit power
  • Full: A theory-based multiple-choice exam that provides access to all bands. Power limits are 1,000 watts on some bands. Some clubs offer study courses, or distance-learning courses are an option.
Amateur Radio Foundation Training Course

Foundation Training Courses & Exams in Essex

Location Course Information Dates
Online Essex Ham runs a FREE monthly online Foundation training course for self-study, revision and distance learning. Our course can be used for stand-alone study, or to support your training with a local club training.

We’ve helped train over 6,500 students with a pass rate of over 99%. Foundation material is delivered in an online classroom and uses fully-narrated videos, quizzes, mock tests, handouts and optional live webinars (no webcam required).

Details at

Colchester Colchester RA – Offer a one-day weekend fast-track for those who have self-studied. Check their site for details.
  • No dates listed
Danbury Chelmsford ARS ran courses on a Thursday evening. 
  • No dates listed
Harlow Harlow & District ARS offer short classroom-based Foundation courses.
  • No dates listed
Other Online Providers For a list of other online training course providers, see our Online Amateur Radio Training Courses page. Various dates
Foundation exams – book direct with RSGB on the following link: RSGB Exam Bookings


VIDEO: Taking Your Amateur Radio Exam at Home


Intermediate Training Courses in Essex

Location Course Information Dates
Colchester Colchester RA runs a one-day Intermediate session from time to time. Contact them to express your interest, or see their site for dates.
  • No dates listed
Danbury Chelmsford ARS runs one 12-week course a year, on Thursday evenings
  • No dates listed
Harlow Harlow & District ARS runs a 10-week course on a Tuesday evening. 
  • No dates listed
Online Providers For a list of online training course providers, see our Online Amateur Radio Training Courses page. Various dates
Intermediate exams – book direct with RSGB on the following link: RSGB Exam Bookings


Full (Advanced) Courses & Exams in Essex

Location Course Information Dates
Colchester Colchester RA – Advanced training is offered, but no dates listed on their site at the time of writing. Contact them to express your interest
  • No dates listed
Danbury Chelmsford ARS offers exam-only sessions during the year, with a revision course once a year on Thursday evenings. 
  • No dates listed
Harlow Harlow & District ARS runs exam sessions when there is demand. Contact them for details
  • No dates listed
Online Providers For a list of online training course providers, see our Online Amateur Radio Training Courses page. Various dates
Full exams – book direct with RSGB on the following link: RSGB Exam Bookings

Running training courses in the Essex area and want your course information added or updated? Please let us know

Essex Training Calendar

Upcoming amateur radio training courses, from our Essex Events Calendar:


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