Essex Club Speakers Directory

Pete M0PSX SpeakerOrganising new and interesting talks for your amateur radio club can be a challenge. In Essex, we have lots of people prepared to talk about their specialist subject, and on this page, we offer a list of local amateurs who are prepared to offer talks to local clubs.

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Thanks to Dave G4AJY for suggesting this resource

Amateur Radio Speakers in Essex

Speakers and Talks intended for an audience of radio amateurs

Name Talk Details About the speaker
Dave Ellis G4AJY “Back to Basics” – Series of instructional talks covering:

  • DC Circuits
  • AC Circuits
  • Amplifiers and Oscillators
  • Digital Electronics
  • The Moving Coil Meter
  • Rectification
  • Frequency, Wavelength & Mode
Home club SEARS. Will travel up to 25 miles, travel expenses appreciated but not necessary.

Contact Dave via QRZ: Dave G4AJY on QRZ

The Paddle Key (for Morse enthusiast only!)
My Time as a Radio Officer”
Terry Genes G4POP Log4OMFree Logging software capabilities and setting up Can travel up to 30 miles from home QTH (Burham-on-Crouch) and require an on site projector and screen to be supplied – Cost fuel only

Contact Terry via QRZ: Terry G4POP on QRZ

Dave Cutts M0TAZ Data modes for any occasion – A look at the various data modes and the pros and cons of each mode. Requirements: Projector & Tea

Contact Dave via QRZ: Dave M0TAZ on QRZ or via

Using a kite antenna – Kites can be fun, but safety considerations and the law needs to be understood before you can consider this aspect of the hobby.
So you want to build a VHF/HF beam? – Tips and tricks for building both small and large beams.
Steve Shorey G3ZPS ‘999 Emergency’ Public Safety Communications Past, Present and Future – Light hearted talk lasting around 1.5hrs. Telegraph, Telephone, early Radio, Golden age of mobile Radio, TETRA. and the Future VGA Projector, Tea, just a few quid for Petrol, Dartford toll from Kent only costs me 60p so not an issue. Talk already given at Cray Valley, North Kent, West Kent, BRATS, Echelford (EARS). 30+ years in Emergency Services radio. Fellow of the IET, Licensed Ham since 1970.

Contact Steve at , G3ZPS ham Radio (on facebook) or via

Pete Sipple M0PSX “Broadcast Radio Part 1” – Behind the scenes of a commercial radio station (studios, OB, tech, transmitters, etc). Delivered at CARS in 2013, TAARC in 2016, SEARS in 2016 & Laindon RC in Feb 2020
Happy to travel to clubs in Essex. Expenses not necessary, but appreciated. As is tea.

Contact Pete via Essex Ham

“Broadcast Radio Part 2” – Behind the scenes in a radio studio (mixer, playout systems, editing). Delivered at TAARC in August 2017
“Introduction to Data Modes” (Basic overview of using PSK31, JT65 & SSTV). Delivered at CARS in 2012, TARG in 2012, TAARC in 2014. 
“My Journey into Amateur Radio”. How I got into the hobby, what I’ve learnt, forming Essex Ham. Delivered at SEARS in 2017
“Ofcom at Baldock”. 20 minute talk about my tour around the Ofcom monitoring station in Baldock, Herts. Delivered at TAARC in August 2017
“Amateur Radio Training”. An overview of the current Foundation syllabus, teaching principles, and online training courses. Delivered to CARS in 2013, and RSGB 2015

Public Talks

Talks intended for non-amateurs, as an introduction to the hobby, or an aspect of amateur radio

Name Talk Details About the speaker
Pete Sipple M0PSX. “What is amateur radio”  – Basic overview of the hobby. Used at U3A and social club Contact Pete via Essex Ham
“What is amateur radio” (Youth Version) – Basic overview of the hobby. Used at Brownies/Guides, Carers Group, Senior School
“Ham Radio & The ISS” – Short talk about contacting the ISS using amateur radio. Used at Southend Raspberry Jam, and edited for use at Brownies/Guides and Primary School


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