Amateur Radio Books

On this page, we take a look at some recommended books about amateur radio. If you’re able to suggest a good read on any aspect of the ham radio hobby, please let us know and we’ll be happy to list it together with your recommendation.

Getting a licence

Foundation Study Guide 2024For those studying for Foundation, we’ve released our first publication: the HamTrain Foundation Study Guide.

The Guide covers the essentials, is broken down into modules that match the course material, and ends with some handy tips on how to pass the Foundation exam, as well as a mock test.

Our Foundation Study Guide was released on the 14th of June 2024. If you fancy giving it a go, the guide can be purchased from the Amazon site:


There are also several training books on offer from the RSGB These cover the syllabus, technical basics, transmitters, receivers, antennas, propagation, licence conditions, operating practices, interference and safety.

There are books for all three exam levels:

Foundation Licence Book
From Amazon, on eBay, on Kindle or from RSGB

Intermediate Licence Book
From Amazon, on eBayon Kindle or from RSGB

Full Licence Manual
From Amazon, on eBay or from RSGB


Other books on Ham Radio

There are loads of books on the subject of amateur radio, covering shack setup, the history of the hobby, antenna design and mobile operation. We’d love to hear your suggestions on books that you’d recommend. In the meantime, here’s a look at the “best buys” on the subject of amateur radio at – this list is automatically generated, and lists popular in-stock books on the UK store. Note that we make a small commission on anything we sell via Amazon, so if you want to support our site, please order via one of the Amazon links on this page.



We had an email in from a site visitor asking for some advice about scanners, and where to find a book containing the various frequencies that you can find using a scanner.

If you’re into scanning, pick yourself up a copy of the UK Radio Scanning Bible – UK Scanning Bible at Amazon.

Scanning Bible 2014
Scanning Bible 2014

Any suggestions? Please add a comment below…


  1. Ron Bertrand 9 August 2016 Reply
  2. Thomas Rose 1 December 2016 Reply
  3. Dogan Ibrahim 11 November 2020 Reply

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