GDPR Compliance

We value the privacy of our members and site visitors, and Essex Ham has made best endeavors to be compliant with the European Union”s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which became enforcible on 25th May 2018. This is a complex piece of legislation, and we are not trained lawyers. We have done our best to interpret the legislation, applying common-sense where necessary.

What we have done

  • In April 2018, we conducted a full audit of all data held
  • In April 2018, we attended a GDPR workshop to understand the impact of the new legislation
  • In April 2018, we created some guidance for other groups – Is Your Club Ready for GDPR
  • In May 2018, we updated our site terms and privacy policy in accordance with new regulations
  • In May 2018, we released our comprehensive “Data Protection Policy Statement”

Our Policy Statement

We have audited our data and created a comprehensive Data Protection Statement. This document is to summarise the types of data that we collect, the ways in which we use it, and the measures we take to keep that data safe.

In order to administer group membership, communication and training courses, the group’s officers need to store personal data electronically, as outlined in this policy document. Data held in general falls under the GDPR category of ‘Legitimate Interest’ for the running of the group, however specific use-cases are outlined in the document.

The nature of our organisation means that we do not request, or store, data deemed to be most sensitive, such as postal addresses, telephone numbers or dates of birth. Additionally, we do not hold financial, payment or medical data. We only hold the minimum personal data necessary.

Essex Ham – Data Protection Policy Statement (PDF Document)

If you have any comments, questions or concerns about data protection, please contact us

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