Stow Maries Fly In Day May 2013

On Saturday and Sunday the 11th and 12th of May 2013, while many clubs were operating Windmills On The Air, the Dengie Hundred Amateur Radio Society was busy operating at a different kind of historic location…. the Stow Maries Aerodrome.

Stow Maries Airfield

The weekend event, the “Stow Maries Fly In”, was a spectacular for anyone with an interest in World War I, aviation, model aircraft, historical reenactment, and classic cars – A great family event with lots of light aircraft popping in, flying past and performing stunts for the gathered crowds. Great to see so many people in uniform, showing their passion for the period.

Dengie Hundred Amateur Radio Society's shack
Dengie Hundred Amateur Radio Society’s shack

The amateur radio shack at Stow Maries airfield was busy with people popping in to see what was going on and to find our more about the hobby. Here’s our short video showing some of the day’s flights, plus a look inside the DHARS shack:

4 Min Video: Stow Maries & Dengie Hundred ARS May 2013

Essex Hams Pete M0PSX and Jim 2E0RMI popped in to see the team hard at work – thanks to Steve M0SHQ, Keith G7FFI, Don G0INO and David, the DHARS Chairman for making us welcome and showing off the shack.

Keith, Don and Steve working GB0SMA
Keith, Don and Steve working GB0SMA

Despite having a very long wire and an impressive cobweb on the roof (as seen in the video), HF operations had to be limited, to prevent interference with the neighbouring blacksmith’s mobile disco set up close to the shack. VHF was active though, and as we arrived, we could hear traffic from both Stock and Rayleigh “Windmills On The Air”.

An enjoyable day out with lots to see, and also great to have a catch-up with the team from DHARS, who seem very happy in their impressive home at Stow Maries Aerodrome. Thanks for the tour chaps.

Handy Links

Stow Maries Fly In Images

One Comment

  1. Dr. David Kirkby 23 May 2015 Reply

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