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7 days ago

Essex Ham / HamTrain has issued an updated alert for anyone studying for an exam in the next few months.This week, errors with the RSGB's new course books and an error in the syllabus have been discovered. RSGB has yet to release revised mocks or exam booklets.If you're studying for an exam, see our updated student alert here: www.essexham.co.uk/train/2024-exams-alert/ ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Despite RSGB asking Ofcom for a 6 month extension to prep for the new exam syllabus, we’re now 6 weeks from the new exams starting and trainers are still waiting for the course material needed to update our courses and prep our students. No wonder trainers are giving up… ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

This afternoon from 1-5pm is another Essex 2m Activity event. Get on-air (any mode) 144-146MHz. Apologies, we won’t be at Hackspace today as planned, but we’ll be on-air supporting the event. ... See MoreSee Less
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Amateur Radio is a great hobby that helps to bring people together, learn about technology, make new friends, and have fun with radio.

Essex Ham is dedicated to supporting Amateur Radio. On our website, you’ll find information on what ham radio has to offer, help and advice for radio amateurs and clubs across the UK, and for those in the Essex area, a list of activities and local clubs.

If you’re new to the hobby, we can help you get started – we’ve helped over 10,000 newcomers with our free online course that runs twice a month, offering a convenient way to get your first callsign and licence. We also provide help, support and discussion groups for existing UK amateurs. We’re also one of the largest UK clubs!

What is Essex Ham?

It’s our mission to help people discover what amateur radio has to offer, and to support the various local clubs and groups. We want to see amateur radio grow, and here are our three guiding aims:

  1. Promote: Explaining Amateur Radio, raising awareness, and encouraging people to get involved
  2. Support: Offering help and advice to new radio amateurs, and to amateur radio clubs.
  3. Share: Supporting the various amateur radio activities, clubs and training in Essex and beyond.



 What We Do:

Spreading the word about Amateur Radio is key to what we do. Here are some of the ways that we’re helping to support and promote the hobby:

Feel free to browse around the site, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for – get in touch. Whether you’re in the county of Essex, or anywhere in the world, we’d like to help you get more from amateur radio if we can. We’d also encourage you to sign up as a free member, so we can stay in touch.

Licence Conditions 2024 – Find out what’s new?

We hope that the site will continue to grow, and we’re always keen to add new content. If you have any questions or suggestions, would like us to help promote your event, or fancy becoming a contributor, please get in touch and help us to make the site as useful as possible.

If you find the site useful, please spread the word, and help us to continue to promote amateur radio in Essex, and beyond.

Amateur Radio Foundation Training Course