Want to have a listen to Essex Ham? Try our 24-hour online Internet Radio station. This service offers a selection of interviews and features about amateur radio, plus a live stream of our Monday Night Net and Essex YL Nets.
Audio players
We’re testing different players. Click on one of the following icons for our Shoutcast audio feed:
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- Listen online or on a smartphone with the TuneIn App: Essex Ham on TuneIn
- Want a link for Winamp / Windows Media Centre? Try: andromeda.shoutca.st:8230/stream.m3u
24/7 Amateur Radio Station
We’re currently trialling a 24 hour Internet radio station that carries a mix of content. Over the last few years, we’ve collected a range of interviews and features, which have been included in some of our videos, or as audio podcasts (See Essex Ham Podcast).
We thought we’d compile the best bits of our features and interviews and make a scrolling radio station. Some of the material featuring on our Internet Radio stream includes:
- An interview with the Essex CW Club, about how to get started with Morse code
- TV presenter Jason Bradbury, from Channel 5’s Gadget Show discussing amateur radio
- Former TV weatherman Jim Bacon G3YLA on propagation, tropo and sporadic E
- Interview with David G7URP from Norfolk ARC about the NARC Radio Active Event
- Jim 2E0RMI and Tim Wander on 2MT Writtle and the Radio Emma Toc project
- Suffolk RED – Interview with Chairman Sarah 2E0ISJ
- GB1JSS – June Summer Solstice Event Interview
- John Bowen from the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society discussing the hobby and the heritage of radio in Essex
- Features on our JOTA 2014 and 2016 events
- Pete M0PSX and Kelly M6KFA visiting the Kempton Rally
- Jim 2E0RMI and Tim Wander on 2MT Writtle and the Radio Emma Toc project
- Tim Peake ISS Contact – A recording of the first amateur radio contact with Tim Peake on the ISS
- The latest RSGB news, courtesy of TX Factor
- Interview with Mike M7IR from SteppIR
- Pete Waters, from retailer Waters & Stanton discussing the hobby on Phoenix FM
- Various Interviews from Hamfest in Newark
- The tech news headlines, courtesy of FrequencyCast
Any comments on our Internet Radio Station? We’d love to hear from you, with your thoughts. Please add a comment below
Related Links
- Get latest audio & video automatically: Essex Ham Podcast
- Listen to Essex Ham on TuneIn
- TX Factor: Weekly GB2RS and regular amateur radio TV episodes