Supporting Amateur Radio Clubs

At Essex Ham, we’re keen to help grow the hobby, and key to that is working with other amateur radio clubs and groups, and sharing resources.

Here’s some of the material we’ve made available to help support the work of amateur radio clubs around the UK.

Resources and Downloads

On this site, we also have a series of posts aimed at helping clubs to do what they do best: See Articles for clubs

Promotional Material



Training Material

  • Foundation Online – Our free courses run once a month, and can be a useful tool for your candidates. They can study online whilst they’re waiting for your course to start, or use our online revision videos and quizzes to support your own training activities. Tutor demo available
  • Foundation Slides – A full set of up-to-date training slides, free to use
  • Training Material – Other videos, guides and pages of information
  • Amateur Radio Training Videos – As well as videos of the entire Foundation syllabus, we have videos showing the practical sessions too
  • Running an online exam – How your club can run an online amateur radio exam


Information & Ideas for Clubs

Promoting the hobby Ideas on how to promote amateur radio – suggestions for clubs and groups looking to promote the hobby PDF File
Improving Your Club’s Website Discussion on how clubs can make better use of their sites to get people into the hobby, and improve their online presence PDF File
Skills Night Formula Running a “Skills Night” – An alternative form of club event aimed at developing new skills and networking PDF File


Involved with running a club?

Let’s talk about it! We’ve created an email discussion group for those involved with running a club. Sign up here: Amateur Radio Club Discussion


Supporting Essex Clubs

Involved with a club in Essex? We can help to promote your club’s event to the amateur radio community. Send us your events news, and we’ll help to promote your event to amateurs from across Essex and beyond. If your club’s events aren’t being featured, get in touch with Essex Ham, or find out more about how Essex Ham supports local clubs.


In The Pipeline…?

We are currently working on material relating to amateur radio progression (gaining more confidence and skills), and retention (keeping people in the hobby). In 2019, the RSGB is set to launch two schemes related to progression and retention, and we’re hopeful that some of the material we’re creating will align with the new schemes, RSGB Brickworks and RSGB Amateur Radio Discovery


What are we missing?

Is there something we can do to help your club? A resource that you’re missing? Let us know!


One Comment

  1. Dave P 28 May 2023 Reply

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