Returning to Amateur Radio

Here at Essex Ham, we sometimes receive requests for help from people who are looking to get back into the hobby after a break, in some cases for as long as 30 years. To try to help, we’re putting together this page of notes on what’s changed. All suggestions and questions appreciated to help us build this up into a useful page.

What’s changed?

  • The new licensing structure, which launched in 2002:
    • “Foundation” (callsigns starting with ‘M3’, ‘M6’ and ‘M7’) – Maximum 25 watts
    • “Intermediate” (callsigns starting with ‘2E0’ and ‘2E1’) – Maximum 100 watts 
    • “Full” (‘G’ callsigns, plus ‘M0’, ‘M1’ and ‘M5’) – Maximum 1,000 watts
  • The new ‘lifetime’ licence, which replaced the old BR68 in 2006
  • Morse code is no longer required for access to HF
  • Various changes to the bandplans, including access to more of the 70cms and 40m bands
  • No more requirement to maintain a logbook
  • Use of CTCSS tones for repeater access – 1750Hz toneburst is being phased out, so whistling won’t work on many repeaters!
  • New data modes, such as FT-8 and JT65 
  • New digital voice modes, such as D-Star, DMR and C4FM (Fusion)
  • Internet technologies, such as Echolink, online logging tools, electronic QSL cards
  • New bands – 470kHz and 5MHz available to Full licence-holders only
  • New hardware – such as software defined radios (like the £10 Realtek dongle) and cheap £25 2m/70cm handhelds (such as the Baofeng UV-B6)
  • The QRA locator system has been phased out – Maidenhead Locators are now the preferred locator.

Anything I’ve missed? Let me know!

The following short video, used to recruit new amateurs, might be of interest as it shows the hobby as it is today, plus what’s involved in getting a licence today:

Renewing your licence

For information on re-activating a lapsed licence, see our guide: Reinstating an amateur radio licence

Amateur Radio in Essex


Your questions?

This page was written by me, Pete M0PSX. I’ve only been in the hobby since 2010 – everything is still new to me, so I need help from those with more years on the ham radio clock than me to help make this page useful.

Anything you’d like to know, or think I should add? Please add a comment below to help us to build this page into a useful resource.

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  1. Peter 7 December 2014 Reply
    • Darran Hankey 11 March 2020 Reply
  2. ronnie 19 May 2015 Reply
  3. Will Hawkesworth 3 July 2015 Reply
  4. Paul Fischer 26 December 2015 Reply
  5. tony.street 27 December 2015 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 27 December 2015 Reply
  6. G4HTG 15 March 2016 Reply
  7. SandyG0FMN 26 July 2016 Reply
    • Bill Caine 12 August 2020 Reply
  8. Charlie 18 December 2016 Reply
    • fin 14 July 2017 Reply
  9. John 29 September 2017 Reply
  10. Jason 20 October 2017 Reply
  11. Richard 7 November 2017 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 7 November 2017 Reply
      • Philip 28 March 2018 Reply
  12. G7GIK 21 December 2017 Reply
  13. Chris Brown 21 December 2017 Reply
  14. Neil 1 May 2018 Reply
    • Neil 7 June 2018 Reply
  15. Knot Schure 12 November 2018 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 12 November 2018 Reply
      • Knot Schure 12 November 2018 Reply
      • Russell Molyneux 4 May 2019 Reply
  16. John Orton 9 February 2019 Reply
    • John Orton 9 February 2019 Reply
  17. Mark Flett 22 May 2019 Reply
  18. G6OVL 20 October 2019 Reply
  19. Richard 14 December 2019 Reply
  20. Keith Harris 28 April 2020 Reply
  21. Royston King 4 May 2020 Reply
  22. Colin Green 11 June 2022 Reply

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