Improving Amateur Radio Club Websites

A letter in the August 2015 Radcom highlighted a serious problem with the way amateur radio clubs present themselves online – Outdated, broken, poorly-designed and invisible websites do no favours for clubs, and more importantly, the hobby.

To help give clubs a greater understanding of some of the common problems with online promotion, we’ve added a guide containing some suggestions and food-for-thought. You can find a PDF version on our UK Amateur Radio Resources page.

Download How to Improve Your Club’s Website (PDF)

About our guide:

In our guide, we outline why your club’s site could benefit from a refresh, and why it might be losing out. We feel that clubs should strive to make sure their website:

  • Encourages new entrants into the hobby
  • Makes your club one that people want to join and be a part of
  • Highlights the best of what your club does
  • Shows amateur radio as an interesting, dynamic and relevant hobby

If you feel your site could be doing better – Here’s a summary of some things to consider:

Sections include:

  • Who are you talking to? Identifying your audience…
  • Do you welcome newcomers?
  • Understanding your web stats
  • Keeping things up-to-date
  • Site design and why it’s important to move on
  • Moving from a static to a dynamic site
  • Practical ways to improve your site content and make people come back
An example of a user-friendly homepage layout
An example of a user-friendly homepage layout

If you care about your club’s website and how the hobby is promoted, we hope you’ll take the time to download our guide, and perhaps discuss some of the ideas within your club.

Download How to Improve Your Club’s Website (PDF)


More reading

Amateur radio club websites has been the subject of much discussion of late. The following links are worth a read:


We’d appreciate your comments and suggestions on how clubs can make the online world a better place…


Related links

No Comments

  1. Kathy Weber 10 August 2018 Reply
    • petesAuthor 10 August 2018 Reply
    • Smokey 29 July 2020 Reply
  2. Kathy Weber 10 August 2018 Reply
    • petesAuthor 10 August 2018 Reply
    • Smokey 29 July 2020 Reply
  3. Kathy Weber 16 September 2018 Reply
  4. Kathy Weber 16 September 2018 Reply
  5. John 22 January 2023 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 22 January 2023 Reply
  6. John 22 January 2023 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 22 January 2023 Reply

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