RadCom November 2015 – Essex Amateurs

RSGB LogoThe November 2015 edition of RadCom, the RSGB’s monthly magazine, is due to hit doormats around the world in the next couple of days. As usual, we take a look to see which Essex amateur radio activities feature in the magazine… In November’s issue, there’s a bumper crop of Essex-based amateur radio activity.

If you want to get a sneak peek before RadCom’s printed version arrives, a PDF of the news section and the Around Your Region section is available on our site – See: RSGB Around Your Region PDFs.

In the main news section of the next Radcom: Exam changes, the latest issue of Radcom Basics is online, plus the future of RAYNET.

Around Your Region:

Here’s a quick look at what gets a mention in November’s 2015 “Around Your Region”:

Around Your Region - Region 12, RadCom November 2015
Around Your Region – Region 12, RadCom November 2015


  • Braintree & District ARS – The club summer camp, and a talk about signalling lamps
  • Chelmsford ARS – A record-breaking September Skills Night, and various Sandford Mill events
  • Essex Ham – Three days of Essex Air Ambulance GB2EAA, two events for National Field Day at Shoebury East Beach, and an impromptu net with Kelly M6KFA
  • Essex RAYNET – mentions of events for Farleigh and St Helena’s hospice
  • South Essex ARS – GB2BB Bradwell Bay event and the Canvey Yacht Club open day
  • Southend & District ARS – Mention of their annual field day
  • Thurrock Acorns ARC – A talk by Peter G0DZB on the Raspberry Pi and a club talk on Worked All Britain (with an RNLI twist)
  • Colchester RA – A report on their field day aimed at M6s, with the third mention of Peter G0DZB – he gets about!

There’s also a mention of Essex Ham member John Macrae – Already licensed in Malta, he was keen to get a full UK callsign. John, now M0IDA, progressed through all licence levels with the help of the Chelmsford ARS. The article credits Pete M0PSX as organising the practical sessions, but it was actually Peter M0PSD who deserves the credit for getting John’s practicals done. To help John get up-to-speed with the UK licence conditions, John took Essex Ham’s Foundation Online course – unsurprisingly getting excellent marks!

If you want to read the articles in full, without having to wait for your copy of RadCom to pop through your letterbox, take a look in the Essex Ham RadCom Club Newsletters section for a PDF version of the ‘Around Your Region’ section.

Involved with a club in Essex? We’d like to see even more of the local clubs appearing in Radcom. Send in your articles to Radcom, and whilst you’re at, send us a copy too, so we can promote what you do!


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