Essex 2m Activity Day 19 March 2022

Essex 2m Activity EventThis weekend, Saturday the 19th of March 2022 is another chance for amateurs across Essex to inject some life into 2m, as it’s another Essex 2m Activity Afternoon.

The event is organised by the Thurrock Acorns club, in the hope that clubs and amateurs across the county will get on-air. As usual, the Essex 2m Activity event will be supported by Essex Ham, as we fully support the aims of the scheme.

Get on the air!

The event runs from 1pm till 5pm on Saturday the 19th of March, and we’d ask amateurs in and around Essex to get on to 2m and show your support.

Our Draft Schedule

  • 1pm – FM (calling CQ on 145.500MHz)
  • 1:30pm – DMR Simplex (see Twitter for Frequency)
  • 2pm – SSB (calling CQ on 143.300MHz)
  • 2:30pm – D-Star Simplex (see Twitter for Frequency)
  • 3pm – GB3DA
  • 4pm – SSTV (calling CQ on 144.500MHz)
  • 4:30pm – FM (calling CQ on 145.500MHz)

Come and see us

Essex Ham will be out for the afternoon at the East Essex Hackspace in Hockley – All are welcome to attend, especially any newcomers in the area that want to get hands-on with some amateur radio kit. The address is:

East Essex Hackspace
Hawkwell Pavilion
Park Gardens

All are welcome to attend and there’s free parking, but we only have room for one station, which will be a 2m station for the “Essex 2m Activity Day”, so please don’t bring along your equipment (although if you’re operating, it’s fine to bring your own 2m radio to be swapped when you’re on-air for Covid reasons)

Below is a short video showing what the East Essex Hackspace is all about:

For more on the Hackspace, go to the East Essex Hackspace Wiki.

As for the Activity Afternoon, keep an eye on this page, and on Twitter, for updates on where to find the Essex Ham station on 2m, and see the TAARC site for details of their operating schedule.

Related Links

Involved with a club in Essex? We can help to promote your club’s event to the amateur radio community. Send us your events news, and we’ll help to promote your event to amateurs from across Essex and beyond. If your club’s events aren’t being featured, get in touch with Essex Ham, or find out more about how Essex Ham supports local clubs.

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