RSGB Brickworks Progression Scheme Relaunches

The RSGB has relaunched its post-Foundation exam incentive scheme, under the name “Brickworks“.

The scheme, originally developed for a club in the North West, was launched nationally by the RSGB in May 2020 (when the country was in the early stages of the Covid lockdown). At the time, most of the traditional clubs were closed, which may be why the scheme didn’t really take off. The scheme has now relaunched, with clubs and newcomers being encouraged to sign up and take part now that clubs are open for business again.

RSGB Brickworks Ham Radio Logo
The RSGB Brickworks Logo

What is “Brickworks”?

Subtitled “Building on the Foundation”, this is intended to encourage Foundation licence holders to stay interested in the hobby, learn new skills, progress in ham radio and potentially move up to Intermediate and Full.

Newcomers who sign up to the scheme need to complete a number of activities, with the help of their local club – completing 3 of the activities earns the newcomer a Bronze certificate, leading to Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond certificates for those who stick with it.

Brickworks activities include: making a certain number of on-air contacts, taking part in contests, attending club meetings and events, constructing hardware, writing software, introducing others to the hobby and helping with training. Even making tea at a local club, or serving on the committee, may earn a Brickworks credit towards the next certificate.


Since 2020, over 40 clubs have signed up to take part, and there is a searchable map of the UK that allows you to find your local Brickworks club: Brickworks Club Finder. If you’re interested, contact your nearest Brickworks club to get started.

Since lockdown, we’ve seen thousands of people pass their Foundation, thanks to online exams, and with clubs re-opening, many of the newcomers will be turning to their local clubs for practical help and support. At the end of our free online Foundation training courses, our students complete a survey, and over 44% have reported an interest in a progression scheme like Brickworks.

If you’re involved with a club and want to take part, details of how to get your club accredited can be found here.

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Your thoughts?

Are you a club running Brickworks? A newbie who’s taking part? We’d love to get your thoughts on the rebooted Brickworks scheme. Please add your comments below.


  1. Martin Shelley 11 May 2022 Reply
    • G0DZB 11 May 2022 Reply
  2. Terry 11 May 2022 Reply
  3. Dave 15 May 2022 Reply

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