Attend Skills Workshop? You’re in Radcom

If you attended the CARS Amateur Radio Skills session on the 20th of January, then you might find you’re pictured in the upcoming issue of the RSGB’s magazine RADCOM.

The Around Your Region section shows a picture of the 40-or-so attendees of the first Skills Night on page 89 – for some, this is the first time that their picture has appeared in the pages of Radcom. At least three faces from the Skills Night photo also appear in the feature on the CARS CW course… two pics for the price of one.

The article on the Skills night also mentions the logging app uLog, launched at the Skills night by Charlie M0PZT, as well as a reminder of the date for the next Skills Night – Monday the 17th of February.

Skills Workshop - RADCOM March 2014
RADCOM March 2014 Extract

One only person not in the photo, is Kristian 2E0SSX (behind the camera), but he does feature in our video from the night. See Ham Radio Skills Jan 2014 video

Other items of local news featured in RADCOM include:

  • 100% pass rate at the LEFARS Foundation Course in January
  • Summary of the two January club nights of the Braintree & District ARS (History of the RSGB and PAT testing)
  • Information on the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Morse courses in Danbury

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