Thanks to the team at the South Essex Amateur Radio Society for sending in the following story:
GB2CIS 59th JOTA Canvey Island Scouts – 15th October 2016
It was another JOTA weekend this year on the 15th of October. We operated GB2CIS for the 1st Canvey Sea Scouts at St Ann’s Church , Canvey Island. We normally have at least 30 odd scouts, beavers and cubs during the day, but, unfortunately, this year we had quite a low turn out. But had many contacts with other JOTA stations that wished to work us.
We used our Windom HF antenna and a 5/8 collinear for 2mts at 30ft , we had two Scouts that were very interested in radio and with luck may decide to take up the hobby!
We have operated this JOTA Station on and off for the last 25 years and still enjoy putting it on.

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- Other JOTA stories
- South Essex Amateur Radio Society Website
- SEARS Club Profile
- Essex Ham’s reports on recent SEARS events
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