South Essex Amateur Radio Society – Club Profile

SEARS LogoOn this page, you’ll find information on the South Essex Amateur Radio Society (SEARS), one of the amateur radio clubs in Essex.

SEARS formed in 1982. After having their home on Canvey Island for many years, the club now meets in Daws Heath, Benfleet, on the second Thursday of each month.

The club is perhaps best known for hosting the popular Canvey Radio Rally.

Club Profile

Launched: 1982
Location: Benfleet
Meetings: 2nd Thursday in the month:
St Michaels Church, St Michaels Road, Daws Heath, Benfleet SS7 2UW
Club Net: Weekdays 3:30pm on 145.325MHz (simplex), and the 4th Tuesday of the month on GB3DA at 8pm – Details
Training: None
AGM: November
Membership Fee: £12 per year (£15 for families)
Information last updated: July 2023 – Out of date? Let us know

Meeting Place

The group meets at the St Michaels Church, St Michaels Road, Daws Heath, Benfleet SS7 2UW on the second Thursday of the month.

More About SEARS

Although SEARS is a relatively small club, it’s a busy one, with a growing membership. It also holds several field events, including stations at Rayleigh Windmill, Canvey’s Bay Museum, Bradwell Flypast, the Canvey Yacht Club and Castle Point Transport Museum.

The club used to meet on Canvey Island, and was known as “The Canvey Club” for many years. It moved to The White House, off the A13 in Hadleigh, and from July 2023, meets at St Michael’s Church in Daws Heath, Benfleet.

SEARS is perhaps most well-known for hosting the very popular Canvey Rally , which used to be held at The Paddocks on Canvey and is now at Cornelius Vermuyden School, also on Canvey Island.

SEARS is active with local scouts for the annual JOTA scouting event and facilitated schools contact with the International Space Station in 2009 and 2014.

Club Images

Some of the team operating at Bay Museum - 03 August 2014
Some of the team operating at Bay Museum – 03 August 2014
SEARS operating at Bay Museum June 2014
SEARS operating at Bay Museum June 2014
The SEARS team at Canvey Island Yacht Club - August 2014
The SEARS team at Canvey Island Yacht Club – August 2014


Some of the members and visitors at the SEARS 2015 Xmas Social in Thundersley
Some of the members and visitors at the SEARS 2015 Xmas Social in Thundersley


Related Links

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One Comment

  1. Paul Saunders 21 July 2024 Reply

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