RSGB Social Media Survey

RSGB LogoThe RSGB is keen to find out your views on a couple of communication issues, and has released a short online survey.

Heather Parsons, the RSGB Communications Manager, is doing some research to find out how members – and non-members – of the RSGB use social media for amateur radio purposes, how (and how often) they access amateur radio news, and which terminology they prefer when describing to people what they do. The results of this research will help to inform how the RSGB develops its social media presence and news service, including where it spends most time and resources.

If you’d like to help Heather, the survey takes just a couple of minutes and can be found here:

In the RSGB’s message to us, they add: “Every answer will count towards shaping future developments in these areas, so your input is very important.”

Please take a few moments to pass on your feedback.

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  1. 2E0EMO 31 October 2014 Reply
  2. 2E0NCE 31 October 2014 Reply

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