The Essex Ham Monday Night Net for the 22nd of August 2016 started at 8pm local time on GB3DA, the 2m repeater located at Danbury, near Chelmsford.
Live Chat: During the Net, we run an Internet chatroom. Go to to get chatting during our nets – You need to create a free Essex Ham account to access our chatroom. |
Internet Feed: Not in range of the GB3DA? Several Internet feeds are available, including: Monday Night Net uStream (Thanks to Nick M0NFE) – There’s also Essex Ham’s Audio Feed (In BETA, and not always online). On a Smartphone, try SouthEastRadio on Zello |
Net Attendees
Here’s the attendance list for this week’s net:
- Pete M0PSX, Southend-on-Sea (in the chair for this week’s net)
- Nev 2E0JRT, Hutton (First time… welcome!)
- Steve G4GHO, Chelmsford (Looking for help with a TM733)
- Brian 2E0WHB, Chelmsford
- Rachel G6AMY, Ockendon
- Jeff G8GNZ, Galleywood (ERG co-founder from the 1970s)
- Keith M0KNG, Billericay
- Nick M0NFE, Westcliff-on-Sea
- William G8CYK, Dunmow
- Gary 2E0KGT, Wickford (First time… welcome!)
- Gordon 2E0IRX, Witham (Contact Gordon for HRD help!)
- Kristian M0SSK, Basildon
- Paul M0CNL, Clacton (First time… welcome!)
- Chris 2E0KDG, Witham
- John G3ZJZ, Hockley
- Dave M0WDG, Kent
- Matt M6MVW
- Steve M0SHQ
- Wayne M6WCE
- David M1ECC, Basildon
- Terry 2E0TER, Harlow
- Dean M0XDA, Witham
Great net – thanks all. We wrapped up at 11:55pm – a very long net, with lots discussed.
Topics for the evening, as follows:
In tonight’s net, here’s what was discussed:
- The bug topics -Thefuture of the hobby, making it attractive, and the exam sylabbus See below
- The previous week’s Southend Raspberry Jam – a great opportunity to promote the hobby
- The “joys” of Ham Radio Deluxe… A powerful app, but a nightmare to set up, as William discovered as the evening elapsed
- Why’s life so complex? Less construction should make life easier, but setting up and config hassles can be a struggle
- Nice story from Jeff G8GNZ – early days of the repeater group saw a number of hams descend on a local pub to plan the 70cm repeater. When the locals saw a group carrying handhelds… the locals vacated PDQ!
About the hobby
Some passionate exchanges tonight on the subject of the hobby, including
- The Foundation Now book and the sylabus – Are mentions of modems and packet data helpful to today’s would-be amateurs? Pictures of old radio hardware with no CTCSS and other out-dated images are common. Is Ohm’s Law a useful thing to teach, when resistors and meters don’t come in until Intermediate? Would data modes, SSB and making PL259 plugs be more useful at Foundation?
- Promoting the hobby? Getting the hobby out to the public is the answer. Discussion of effective demos at the Raspberry Jam, as well as use of radio-controlled cars and DFing at Sandford Mill
Thanks to everyone who took part… Happy Hamming!

Got a comment about this week’s Monday Night Net? Please add it below.
Thanks & Disclaimer
Essex Ham would like to thank the Essex Repeater Group for allowing us to use the GB3DA for our weekly net. This repeater, together with GB3ER, GB3DB and GB7ZP are managed by volunteers. ERG would appreciate your support which can be by membership or donation, online at
Please note that the Monday Night Net is recorded for the protection of our participants. Audio from repeaters around the UK, including GB3DA, may be streamed online and via web SDRs.
The views and opinions expressed by participants of the Monday Night Net do not necessarily reflect the views of Essex Ham.
Monday Night Net – Related links