The Essex Ham Monday Night Net for the 3rd of February 2014 started at 8:00pm on GB3DA, the 2m repeater located at Danbury, near Chelmsford.
Live Chat: The chatroom is running as usual. Go to to get chatting – Our chat software requires you to create a free Essex Ham account.
Here’s the attendance list for this week’s net:
- Pete M0PSX in Southend, in the chair
- Steven M6VHK in Kent
- Charlie M0PZT, with fudgey shack snacks
- Tony M6LLH near Dengie
- Pat G8JLM in Maldon
- Kristian 2E0SSX
- Rob M0KCP
- Tony G6EEE
- Kevin M0KAO
- Jon M6WRO
- James 2E1GUA
- Huw M6HTL
- David M0WDG in Kent
- Lee M6DNR
- Jason M3RYT
- Phil M0IMA
- Chris M6EDF
- Neil G0RNU
- Brian G1KPS
Topics for the evening as follows:
- Foundation courses – do you prefer the idea of a weekend course, or a six week course?
- The Canvey Rally – Very well received, and good to see so many Essex Hams in one place
- Helium balloons – we’re eating into the finite stores of gas… what happens next?
Any thoughts on tonight’s net? Add ’em below!

Handy Links
- Canvey Rally report and video: SEARS Canvey Rally Video 2014
- Essex radio operators being discussed here: Transmission 1 amateur radio forum
Thanks to all for a great net tonight – We wrapped up just after 23:20 – A long one, but a good one!
Got a comment about this week’s Monday Night Net? Please add it below.
“The Monday night net is on a Monday”, classic statement.
Glad you liked it! I kid you not, I have been asked more than once when the Monday Night Net is on! I’ve also been asked why I don’t do the Monday Night Net at the weekend. Also, a comment on DA recently about last Wednesday’s Monday Night Net made me double-take! Glad we made you smile, and thanks for listening.
I’m looking at doing my Foundation Course later part of this year, The two day weekend course is ideal for me, due to the shift work i do i would not be able to do a set day every week etc.
Thanks Jon. Weekend courses do make a lot of sense for many. Got some great feedback on the net last night, which helps lots. Thanks for that, and good luck with the Foundation.
I think the weekend course is a better idea,because i beleive that anyone who is intrested in becoming a licensed amature would be studying on their own prior to training weekend, and waiting six weeks before a test could be a little detering, i speak for myself here i have waited quite a few months for a course to open up in canvey as i suffer from anxiety and didnt cope well with the idea of travelling to take the training course earlier further away.
And the thought of six week course i think i would have a melt down and mess up due to stress
Thanks Sean. Interesting chat tonight with lots of opinions. I can certainly see the appeal of a short weekend course for many, and having planned weekend Foundation courses in the past, I know how rewarding it is for people to leave with a pass after a weekend session. Hope yours goes well, and hope to work you soon! Pete
Does anyone know why targ dont come on the net any more ? Pete are you not involved with them any more ?
Thames Amateur Radio Group now runs it’s own weekly net on a Wednesday
It is on GB3DA (Danbury RX=145.725MHz ; TX=145.125MHz ; CTCSS=110.9 ‘H’)
Weekly start time is 2000. Hope to see you there :)
Paul C, before you ask a question like that perhaps you should check who are members of other groups, Rob,Pete,Huw and Phil are all Targ members.
Therefore i put it to you that you are just trying to incite more bad feeling and politics.
I would like to join a club in the Southend area but don’t like politics.
Six weeks of evening is the best way for a foundation or intermediate as its not rushed.
Thanks Geoff, and well said. Let’s try to leave politics out of the hobby (or at least off this website, please!). I’ve only been in amateur radio for a short while, and I’ve already seen a number of strong friendships and affiliations suffer as a result of unnecessary and unproductive politics.
Cliché I know, but this is only a hobby. As radio is a communication medium, let all try to get along, with the aim of having fun with radio, sharing information, and working together to keep this great hobby alive.
Pete M0PSX
Who s on tonights Targ wed net can only pick up local stations M0IEO,2E0TNC, M6JLX and a lady talking about dresses missed her call sign was faint in background lol. Just intretsed to see what my receive is like as i dont seem to be picking up the output from danbury
Hi Sean,.
I assume you’re the same Sean I’ve been chatting to on another forum. If so, hello again.
Only just back from work, so I couldn’t join or listen to the TARG net tonight, but Mark M0IEO and Belinda M6JNX are both on Canvey Island, and Tom 2E0TNC is from Tiptree – hopefully that helps you to get a feel for where you’re able to receive signals. The website is quite handy for looking up callsigns to see where they operate from.
If I recall you’re in the Southend area, and there are some black spots when it comes to reception of GB3DA, the Danbury repeater. A decent rooftop antenna should allow you to work Danbury – or if you’re mobile, a mag-mount will do, but experiment with driving around the area. Westcliff London Road seems to be a dead spot mobile, at least for me.
Hopefully that’s a help, but if not, feel free to pop into our forum and ask the locals for some advice –
All the best,
Pete M0PSX
Hi pete yes im the one in the same, i had been jotting call signs down and checking but two of the call signs didnt come up now that could be for number of reasons , but i apologise for repeating myself
With the same question.
Thanks for all your help pete its realky apreciated
Cant wait for the 22nd/23rd :0)
73 for now
No worries.. Just wanted to check with was the same Sean. Glad to help!
Mistake on the m6jlx was listening regarding geocaching if you guys who are into geocaching and are in the southend areacheck out the lost church of mary magdala in shopland bombed in the secound world war and oposite that is the anti aircarft gun emplacments both have cahes in grat time for a forage. And in the lost church site their are grade 2 listed graves that are protected . Got to love geocaching i. The summer with the wife and kids
Good tip, cheers Sean. I’ve tried a few in Rochford, Southchurch, Belfairs Wood, the seafront and on Canvey. Had planned to get out and about doing more geocaching (my daughter enjoys “treasure hunting” as she calls it, but radio (and the bad weather) keeps getting in the way.