JOTA from Canvey Heights GB2CIS

Reporting live from Canvey Heights with the 1st Canvey Sea Scouts for JOTA – Jamboree On The Air.

Today’s field event is being hosted by SEARS, the South Essex Amateur Radio Society, and is part of the worldwide weekend where the scouting community gets on-air to make contacts, and collect the communication badge.

The team is reporting great operating conditions from the impressive G5RV, and the operators are making great SSB contacts on 40 metres. The team, and the enthusiastic scouts are also working 2 metres, HF CW, Echolink and even some SSTV.

The station has been operating with the callsign GB2CIS, and a good time is being had by all. The scouts are on an overnight hike tonight, so we all wish them well for their weekend yomp. Here’s hoping the weather stays good.

Here are a couple of pictures from the event at Canvey Heights today:





Happy JOTA everyone, from Essex Ham

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