Help Needed: Radio Telescope

We’ve been contacted by Trev G3OAD to see if we can find someone in Essex or London who might be able to help with setting up a radio telescope in North London. Here’s his message – can you help, or suggest someone who can?

Can you help?

Tuning in to Jupiter
Tuning in to Jupiter

This is G3OAD, Trev, and I am looking to help a teacher at an Enfield School in North London set up a radio (and an optical) telescope for students very keen on astronomy and cosmology.

I have been trying to identify who might be willing to let students see an amateur radio HF station well-enough equipped to receive Alfven waves from Jupiter on 15, 12 or 10 metres, and hear the signals. I only have my cassette tapes of the noise which is nothing like hearing the real thing.

Can you let me know if there’s anyone in the Essex area who might be willing to show their rig and monitor those bands for Jupiter noise.

If they are fired up by such a visit, the teacher will raise a small budget to buy a 10m 4 element yagi. I am loaning a tower, coax feeder and my FT707.

The teacher is a Canadian who is very enthusiastic to make this a success but has no knowledge of radio astronomy.

I’m told that it may be possible to hear Pulsars as well, in the VHF spectrum somewhere, but I have not yet started to investigate this.

If you can help, or point me in the right direction, please email me at: trevor.haydu-jones <at>

I’d be most appreciative of any help or advice you could give.

73, Trev G3OAD


Can you help?

Please contact Trev direct if you can help, or add a comment below for Trev to pick up on. Let’s see if the Essex Ham community can point Trev in the right direction (i.e. Jupiter!)


  1. James 2e1gua 30 October 2014 Reply
  2. G8CCL 30 October 2014 Reply
  3. Penny L. 30 October 2014 Reply
  4. g0cag 1 November 2014 Reply
  5. Alan G0TUD 5 January 2015 Reply
  6. steve 11 April 2015 Reply

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