What’s Essex Ham Doing Wrong?

Essex Ham Podcast LogoIn the last couple of weeks, we’ve had some interesting feedback passed our way about what Essex Ham’s been up to.

One comment received here is that we’re too visible. At first, this struck us as an odd comment – one of Essex Ham’s aims is to get more people aware of amateur radio, and key to this is raising awareness of the hobby, and what amateurs in Essex get up to.

“Essex Ham is Everywhere”

That’s what we’ve been told. It seems that the Essex Ham name has been cropping up frequently. We’ve been told that:

Radcom: Amateur Radio in Essex
Radcom: Amateur Radio in Essex
  • When searching for amateur radio content, Essex Ham keeps coming up
  • Articles written by, or featuring Essex Ham’s team keep appearing in the media.
  • People online or on nets keep on mentioning Essex Ham

We’ve been lucky that we have had some coverage of some of the events in Essex of late, including the SEARS ISS schools contact, JOTA, Essex Air Ambulance Special Event and the CARS Skills Nights.

Some of the Essex Ham team and our members have been featured in both the mainstream media and in publications such as Radcom and Practical Wireless. We’ve assumed that the PR for the clubs in Essex and amateur radio in the county could only be a good thing… but could it be that we’re too involved?

Essex Ham started out to support amateur radio in Essex, help out newbies, and to support the activities of local groups. So, how are we doing, and do we need to change? Here’s a quick poll:

Essex Ham Poll from 2014
Essex Ham Poll from 2014

If you’ve got any comments about what we do that aren’t covered by the above options, feel free to add your thoughts and feedback below.

Essex Ham – Supporting Amateur Radio in Essex

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    1. 2E0NCE 28 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 October 2014 Reply
    2. M0CLZ 28 October 2014 Reply
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    5. 2e0emo 29 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 October 2014 Reply
    6. Jim 29 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 October 2014 Reply
    7. M0PZT 29 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 October 2014 Reply
    8. Tony 29 October 2014 Reply
    9. James 2e1gua 29 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 October 2014 Reply
    10. Steve M0SHQ 29 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 October 2014 Reply
    11. Jakub 30 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 3 November 2014 Reply
    12. Dave Ellis 30 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 3 November 2014 Reply
    13. Rob M0KCP 31 October 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 3 November 2014 Reply
    14. Michael lynn 4 November 2014 Reply
      • Pete M0PSXAuthor 6 November 2014 Reply
    15. Jon 15 December 2014 Reply

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