Essex Ham Launches Online Training

Essex Ham has today launched its new “Foundation Online” training course. The course is designed to help people who are considering getting started with amateur radio, or who are already studying towards their Foundation exam.

Foundation Online - Kelly PhotoThe online course is free and allows people to study at their own pace. We’re aware that people like to learn in different ways, and to help make it easier, we offer the following course material:

  • Video tutorials – We’ve created a ‘virtual presentation’ for each of the nine Foundation syllabus sections, so you can watch at home or on your mobile.
  • Slides and handouts – Each of the syllabus sections are available as downloadable slide shows which you can review or print. Each slide contains the basic points you need to be familiar with for Foundation
  • Online Revision – Using an industry-standard Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), you can work through each of the nine syllabus sections, and take a short quiz at the end to make sure you’re comfy with the material

The following short video gives a summary of the course, and how its delivered:

The launch of this online amateur radio course follows a successful beta trial of the course material, and uses some of the emerging teaching techniques promoted on the RSGB “Train The Trainers” course. Learners are offered a number of different ways of reviewing the course material, and help is on hand as required.

The “Foundation Online” course is aimed at people looking to take their first steps in the hobby and who prefer home study or distance-learning. It will hopefully be of help to those on an existing Foundation training course looking for to study outside of the course.

Essex Ham's Online Foundation Training Course
Essex Ham’s Foundation Online Training Course

Of course, candidates will still be required to complete the Foundation practicals with an RSGB-registered asessor, and will have to sit the Foundation exam. The course is designed either for self-study, but may be especially useful to clubs not able to offer a training course, or clubs looking to provide tools for their students to revise and study between training sessions.

Foundation Online Amateur Radio Training Promo

Course information and more details can be found at


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  1. M0CLZ 15 June 2015 Reply
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