New RSGB DRM for Essex: Roland Taylor

Roland Taylor M0BDB
Roland Taylor M0BDB

Please welcome the new RSGB Deputy Regional Manager for Essex, Roland Taylor M0BDB.

Roland has recently made contact with the clubs in Essex, and with his permission, we’re reproducing his message to let the amateurs in Essex know who Roland is, and how to get in touch with him. He’s also added an important announcement about validating your licence:

Introduction from Roland M0BDB:

This message is firstly to introduce myself as the new RSGB Deputy Regional Manager for Essex. I hope to get round to visit all of your clubs over the coming months but, in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any issues you would like my help with. I am new in post and so may not have the answers but am good at finding out who has.

I have been asked to send a further reminder with regard to licence revalidation:

As you will know, all radio amateurs are required to revalidate their licence at least every five years. The process to do this requires every licence holder to contact Ofcom to confirm or update the details on the licence database. This process has been underway for some time and to date some 55% of licences have been successfully revalidated.

The quickest way to revalidate is to do so “on-line” via the Ofcom website or by email ( amateur.validations at – and this can be done at any time. If individuals need assistance in the process, Ofcom staff are available to help on the telephone but their limited availability means that the workload needs to be staggered to avoid undue delays.

The RSGB will be publishing details on the website, in RadCom and supplementing these with weekly reminders in the regional sections of the GB2RS News that apply to your Region. To confirm:

  • Although amateur radio licences are now classed as “lifetime”, revalidation is compulsory.
  • Ofcom have advised that any licences that remain unvalidated by a yet to be agreed date will be considered as lapsed. After this time, licences will need to be renewed and a fee of £20 will be charged.

Best regards


As well as being the new Essex DRM, Roland is the Chairman & County Controller for Essex RAYNET. Earlier this month, Roland was at the second Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club night. He’ll also be giving a talk to the members of Thames ARG in April, and will be at the RAYNET open training session on the 8th of March.

Good luck to Roland in his new role with the RSGB. He takes over from the previous Essex DRM, Norman Crampton M0FZW.

For Roland’s contact details, and for the details of the rest of the RSGB Region 12 team, go to RSGB Region 12 Representatives

Validate your licence

If you’ve not done yours yet, see Essex Ham’s guide: How to validate your amateur radio licence

Ofcom Revalidation Confirmation Screen
Ofcom Revalidation Confirmation Screen


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