Essex 4m FM Weekly Net

This week sees the start of not one, but two new nets here in Essex. As well as David M1ECC’s “Have Your Say on GB3DA” net, Selim M0XTA will be launching an Essex-wide 4m (70MHz Net) from this Wednesday, the 12th of October.

Here’s an extract of Selim’s post in our forum:

“I am thinking about starting an Essex-Wide 4m (70MHz) FM net either on a Wednesday or Thursday evening. Saying that, I believe something like this needs to be done to encourage existing 4m users and also gain new 4m users within Essex to come onto the 4m band, using it in general and participating in the weekly net.

I would like all who reads this to lend me their support in my idea and give me their help and feedback. Please let me know and I need to promote the 4m band within Essex and show it can be a shining success and spread all over the UK!

Selim M0XTA”

For more, see Selim’s post in our forum: Essex 4m Weekly Net

Selim M0XTA working 4 metres (Pic: Trevor M5AKA)
Selim M0XTA working 4 metres at the Essex Skills Night in Jan 2016 (Pic: Trevor M5AKA)

The first “Essex 4M net” takes place on Wednesday the 12th of October 2016 from 8pm on 70.475MHz – If you have 4m, please show Selim your support

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  1. M0XTA 11 October 2016 Reply

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