New Net: Have Your Say on GB3DA

From Thursday the 13th of October 2016, a new net is set to start in Essex. Called “Have Your Say on DA”, this will be organised and chaired by David M1ECC. The follows on from David’s comments on Essex Ham’s forum that there should be more activity on-air in Essex.

Thanks to David for sending over the following text outlining what the new net will be all about:

David M1ECC
David M1ECC

“Hi everyone I am David M1ECC & I will be hosting a new net on GB3DA the Danbury repeater every Thursday evening at 8pm from the 13th October 2016 with a six week trial to start off with to see how it goes called HAVE YOUR SAY ON DA, it will involve a discussion of the many topics in the hobby of amateur radio good & bad warts all.

As I feel many things go unsaid that need saying leaving the hobby fragmented and not pulling together so get your self involved in the net if you would like to get more out of the hobby then this is the place to be every Thursday evening also there will be discussions on modes of operation antenna building & setup & the best ways of going about getting on different modes / bands.

Very handy for newcomers who can seek advice on the net from more knowledgeable hams hoping also the net will network hams together with similar interests in the hobby to help them get the best from amateur radio so get off these internet forums and onto the live net and HAVE YOUR SAY ON DA”

It’d be great to get some more activity in the area, so any new 2m activity should be supported, including more nets, 2m activity events and contests. Join David from 8pm on Thursday the 13th October.

4m Net Launching

Also launching this week, a net 4m Net, run by Selim M0XTA. More here: Essex 4m Net Launched 12 Oct 16


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  1. David 12 October 2016 Reply
    • M1ECC 12 October 2016 Reply
  2. David 14 October 2016 Reply
    • M1ECC 14 October 2016 Reply
  3. M1ECC 21 October 2016 Reply
  4. M1ECC 23 October 2016 Reply
  5. Pete M0PSXAuthor 24 October 2016 Reply
  6. M1ECC 24 October 2016 Reply
  7. Pete M0PSXAuthor 24 October 2016 Reply
  8. M1ECC 24 October 2016 Reply
  9. Pete M0PSXAuthor 24 October 2016 Reply
  10. M1ECC 24 October 2016 Reply

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