Essex 2m Activity Day 28 Nov 15 Report

Saturday the 28th of November 2015 was the second Essex 2 metre Activity Afternoon.

This was a county-wide initiative organised by the Thurrock Acorns, with the intention of getting as many people active on 2m as possible. The last activity day was in March (See our March 2015 2m Activity Day report)

What Happened:

The event from 1pm onwards on the afternoon on the 28th of November 2015.

  • Thurrock Acorns ran a station from Grays on 145.450MHz – Well done to Stella G0EKP for hosting and operating GX4HKO
  • Essex Ham ran a simplex net on 145.550 from 1pm to 2pm
  • Essex Ham ran a net on GB3DA from 2pm to 3pm (17 attendees)
  • Essex Ham ran SSTV on 144.500 from 3:10pm to 3:40pm, and again from 4:40pm to 5pm
  • Essex Ham member Steve 2E0UEH was active on CW and SSB as well as on FM voice
  • GB0SNB was on-air from the Secret Nuclear Bunker at Kelvedon

Other activities were planned for CW and SSB, but no update on these yet.

Know a local group who were active for the event? Let us know! Also, any photos from today? Please send them over!

Snapshot of 2m band - Saturday 28th November 2015
Snapshot of 2m band – Saturday 28th November 2015

Voice Activity

The official event station GX4HKO was operated from Stella’s QTH near Grays on behalf of Thurrock Acorns. The station was working a pile-up for most of the afternoon. TAARC report making 47 contacts on 2m simplex during the afternoon.

Commenting on the afternoon’s activity, TAARC Chairman Nicholas Wilkinson G4HCK said; “The afternoon surpassed my expectation. The hope was that we would speak to 40 different amateurs. However we passed this target contacting 50 stations. This is the second time we have run this activity afternoon and the club is already receiving requests from amateurs in the South/East of England to repeat the activity early next year”

Stella G0EKP, Racheal G6AMY, Peter G4FQF and Chris G0EKN from TAARC
Stella G0EKP, Racheal G6AMY, Peter G4FQF and Chris G0EKN from TAARC

In addition to the station in Grays,, Essex Ham was active on the group’s club callsign on simplex, working several stations before switching to an impromptu net on GB3DA, which attracted 16 people in an hour.

Several members of Essex Ham got behind the event. Special kudos to members:

  • Dorothy M0LMR and Charlie M0PZT – For working multiple frequencies throughout the event
  • Ed M0MNG – For calling in on GB3DA from a high point near Eastbourne, East Sussex. Ed’s a keen supporter of Essex Ham, and made a special trip to his local high point to make contact
  • Trevor M5AKA – For PR on Twitter
Pete M0PSX, working MX0SXA for the 2m Essex Activity Day - Nov 2015
Pete M0PSX, working MX0SXA for the 2m Essex Activity Day – Nov 2015
Steve 2E0UEH (and cat) working 2m for the Essex Activity Day
Steve 2E0UEH (and cat) working 2m for the Essex Activity Day

Video of the 2m Activity Afternoon, from Ed M0MNG in East Sussex

Note that Ed’s the video is dedicated to the memory of Clive G1EUC SK – Former Chairman of the Essex Repeater Group


As an experiment, some Essex Ham members sent a series of SSTV images, some of which follow. Kudos to the following members:

  • Charlie M0PZT and Laura M6LHT for the successful two-way QSOs (and Laura’s first)
  • George M1GEO, Richard G7OED and Chris M6EDF for SSTV reception reports on-air or via Twitter

Also to David G7UVW for sending an image from Romford, and Keith G7FFI in Rochford for the reception report

SSTV Activity for the 2m Activity Event, November 2015
SSTV Activity for the 2m Activity Event, November 2015

Stations Worked

The following list is of stations worked during the afternoon of 28 November 2015 by Pete M0PSX, or on Essex Ham’s club callsign of MX0SXA:

Name Callsign EH Member Frequency Notes
Stella GX4HKO No 145.450 Thurrock Acorns, Grays
Nick G4HCK No 145.550
Neil G0RNU YES 145.550 Tilbury
Dorothy M0LMR YES 145.550 & DA Basildon
Charlie M0PZT YES 145.550 , DA , 144.500 Voice and SSTV
John M1DUC No 145.550 & DA
Dean M6NSX YES GB3DA Witham
Ed M0MNG/P YES GB3DA Eastbourne, E.Sussex
Kristian 2E0SSX YES GB3DA
Peter G1FOA No GB3DA
Jon M6WRO YES GB3DA Visiting W&S
Kevin G0PEK YES 145.575 Hoo, Kent
David G7UVW No 144.500 SSTV
Paul M6NFW YES 144.500
Keith G7FFI No 144.500 Recd SSTV Rochford
Bill G4OAX YES 144.500 Recd SSTV Frinton
Richard G7OED YES 144.500 Recd SSTV Basildon
Paul 2E0DNQ YES 144.500 Recd SSTV Southend


Well done to Thurrock Acorns for a very successful 2m Activity Afternoon. It was great that so many amateurs took to the air in support of the event, and to support local use of 2m. Perhaps a shame a few more clubs in the area didn’t get behind this and rally their own members – It was promoted well in advance, and local clubs (including us) were informed weeks ago – At Essex Ham, we were proud to take part and show support for this initiative by TAARC, but we didn’t see much PR or support from many of the other local groups. If the club you’re a member of didn’t take part… why not? Perhaps drop them a mail to suggest that next time, they support county-wide activities like this.

Great that so many amateurs took to the air in support of the event, and of 2m. Perhaps a shame a few more clubs in the area didn’t get behind this and rally their members – It was promoted well in advance, and local clubs were informed weeks ago. If the club you’re a member of didn’t take part… perhaps drop them a mail to suggest that next time, they take part in this county-wide activity?

To those who got involved – great result, and excellent to see so much activity. And a big well done to Stella and the rest of the team operating GX4HKO for the Thurrock Acorns.


Essex Repeater Group LogoEssex Ham would like to thank the Essex Repeater Group for the loan of the GB3DA repeater for our impromptu net on the 28th of November. This repeater is a great resource and allowed us to connect with people that we couldn’t work simplex. GB3DA and other ERG repeaters, are managed by volunteers. ERG would appreciate your support which can be by membership or donation, online at


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  1. Edmund M0MNG 27 November 2015 Reply
  2. Jim 2E0RMI 28 November 2015 Reply
  3. M0LMR 28 November 2015 Reply
  4. Edmund M0MNG 28 November 2015 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 November 2015 Reply
  5. Stella 29 November 2015 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 November 2015 Reply
  6. tony.street 2 December 2015 Reply
    • Edmund M0MNG 2 December 2015 Reply
      • tont street 2E0FTQ 2 December 2015 Reply
  7. M6WRO 2 December 2015 Reply
  8. Edmund M0MNG 7 December 2015 Reply

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