2014 Stats and Maps

Chatting with some of the chaps at the weekend during the CARS SOS Radio Week, the subject of stats came up. As suggested, I’ve pulled together a few bits of information captured in 2014, for those interested in stats, maps and numbers:

Essex Ham Net 2014

A total of 40 nets were held in 2014 – most of the missing weeks of course due to the Skills Night which take place on a Monday Night Net night. The idea of a live net from Danbury never took off. Here’s some other info:

  • Total callsigns taking part: 142
  • Average participants: 15
  • Record attendees: 23 (14 July 2014)
  • Top Five Participants: James 2E1GUA (who didn’t miss a single net), Nick M0NIB, Charlie M0PZT, Ricky M6DII and Rob M0KCP

Also of interest… 57% of Monday Night Net participants were either Foundation or Intermediate licence-holders.

For more on the net, see our Monday Night Net page – We now stream online and have a chatroom running while we’re on-air.

Map of Monday Night Net Participants 2014
Map of Monday Night Net Participants 2014

Skills Nights 2014

The CARS Skills Nights launched in January 2014. Here are some numbers:

  • An average of 43 attendees across the 11 Skills Nights in 2014
  • Highest attendance in 2014 was 62 people (November 2014)
  • Total unique visitors: 136

Find out more about the Skills Night here: Essex Skills Night

Map of Skills Night Attendees 2014
Map of Skills Night Attendees 2014

Essex Ham Members

Thanks to everyone who’s signed up over the last twelve months, submitted articles, answered questions, attended events, or supported Essex Ham.

Here’s a map showing our members:

Map of Essex Ham Members as of Jan 2015
Map of Essex Ham Members as of Jan 2015

So there you go. Now you know!

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One Comment

  1. 2E0PSN 26 January 2015 Reply

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