Waters & Stanton Open Day May 2015

Waters & Stanton LogoThanks to the team at Waters & Stanton for laying on another of their excellent open days today, Sunday the 24th of May 2015.

This was the 25th annual open day, and as always is a great opportunity to pick up a bargain and catch up with local amateurs. The day’s event was very well attended, and we’ve just released a short video montage of the day, which you’ll find a little further down this page.

Waters & Stanton Open Day May 2015
Waters & Stanton Open Day May 2015

The doors were opened from 10am, allowing many amateurs to take their first look at the new showrooms. Out goes the TV and Hi-Fi equipment, in favour of a new display area that allows potential customers to get hands-on with the latest transceivers with a variety of recently-installed antennas.

Waters & Stanton Demonstration Area
Waters & Stanton Demonstration Area
Video: Waters & Stanton Open Day May 2015

The Waters & Stanton team laid on a great selection of free food and drinks for visitors, as well as some serious reductions and bargains. Out on the forecourt, Huw, Steve and the guys were selling off some of the stockroom’s unwanted items at silly prices, with most new products priced at 10% off for the day.

Reps from Icom, InnovAntennas, Kenwood, bhi and Yaesu were in attendance offering advice and showing off the latest models, and Steve M1ACB was manning the RSGB bookstall. Also in attendance,representatives from the Essex Repeater Group, TARG and the CARS training team.

The new demonstration area was used for the day as an area for a selection of free talks and presentations, including a talk on Radio Contesting by Mark M0DXR, bhi noise-cancelling products by Graham M3ZGS, Band Plans by Murray G6JYB, and SDR developments by Justin G0KSC.

Justin G0KSC talking SDRs at Waters & Stanton
Justin G0KSC talking SDRs at Waters & Stanton

The famous fundraising raffle offered three impressive prizes: a Kenwood TM-D710GE, an Icom ID31E handheld and a Yaesu VX-3E handheld, as well as some Waters & Stanton vouchers. Well done to the Thames Amateur Radio Group for winning five of the seven raffle prizes, including both handheld radios.

First prize in the raffle, the Kenwood TM-D710GE
First prize in the raffle, the Kenwood TM-D710GE

Also at the event, the RSGB Region 12 Club of the Year 2014 trophy was presented to representatives of Essex Ham, by the RSGB Regional Manager Steve M1ACB, in a ceremony announced by Jeff Stanton. Essex Ham would like to thank Steve and Jeff for the presentation, and to the amateurs and local clubs who’ve supported Essex Ham since its inception.

Region 12 Club of the Year  Presentation 2015
Region 12 Club of the Year Presentation 2015

Thanks to the whole team at Waters & Stanton for a great event today. As always, a great opportunity to pick up a bargain and catch up with so many good friends.

Pete M0PSX

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  1. Jakub 24 May 2015 Reply
  2. Paul G7BHE 25 May 2015 Reply
  3. James 2e1gua 25 May 2015 Reply

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