TAARC February 2016 Club Night Report

Thanks to the Thurrock Acorns for submitting the following report:
Tuesday the 16th of February 2016 was the monthly meet of the Thurrock Acorn Amateur Radio Club at the 1st Grays Scout HQ in Grays. This month’s speaker was Steve Simmons (G4HXY)  and the title of the presentation was ‘Confused’.

Steve’s presentation explained how fuses should be used and explored the different type of fuses. These included High Rupture Current (HRC) B.S. 88 Fast Blow (F) Slow Blow/Timed (T) Anti Surge Solid State and E.H.T. (Extra High Tension).  He stated that selecting the right type of fuse is important, you need to know the maximum fault current, the voltage across the fuse when it blows and how fast you want it to blow. A fuse is designed to be the weakest link in a circuit and the circuit should be designed so that the fuse blows first should a fault occur. He then covered the value of a fuse stating that you should never put a higher amperage fuse (as recommended) in a circuit until you fully understand why the original lower rated fuse has blown.

Nicholas Wilkinson chairman of the club said:

“Steve clarified the area of fuses, what to use and where to include them when designing a circuit. Steve also covered domestic appliances used in the house and why certain fuses are used in certain appliances”.

Anyone wishing to know more about the topic or the TAARC should contact Gordon via the club’s web site, www.taarc.co.uk.

The picture shows some of the TAARC members listening to Steve (G4HXY) as he explains the different types of fuses.

Steve G4HXY talking about fuses with the Thurrock Acorns
Steve G4HXY talking about fuses with the Thurrock Acorns

Thanks to the team at Thurrock Acorns for submitting this story.

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