St George’s Day GB1STG 2018 Report

GB1STG Generic LogoMonday the 23rd of April 2018 was St George’s Day, and to celebrate England’s national day, a group of patriotic Essex Hams were active for two days using the callsign GB1STG from Galleywood Common. 

For the fifth year running, Charlie M0PZT organised a gathering of patriotic amateurs to operate from Galleywood Common for the day, and as this year’s event fell on a Monday, Charlie also operated the callsign on Saturday the 21st to allow for some weekend activity.

GB1STG 2018 Day 1 Team
GB1STG 2018 Day 1 Team

As always, the St George’s Day activation was a great opportunity to play radio in the field and get some experience of outdoor amateur radio in action.

Several stations were active, including various HF CW and SSB stations, 2m FM for the locals, plus digital voice. Contacts were made with places including Africa, the US and Canada, and Pete M0PSX made contact with fellow TX Factor presenter Bob G0FGX across the country in Cornwall.

GB1STG at Galleywood Common in 2018
GB1STG at Galleywood Common in 2018

The focus was on experimentation and fun, aided by the proximity to the local pub, where the team toasted St. George’s health in style after a busy two day activation.

Thanks to Charlie M0PZT for organising the event, and to Charlie, Dorothy & Ben for the photos.

GB1STG event orqaniser Charlie M0PZT
GB1STG event orqaniser Charlie M0PZT
A cute little 70cms radio, out for the day at Galleywood Common
A cute little 70cms radio, out for the day at Galleywood Common

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