St. George’s Day in Galleywood 2015

Thursday the 23rd of April 2015, saw the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society operating a special event station, GB1STG, for St. George’s Day.

GB1STG 2015 Logo

Three stations were active throughout the day – the main station was on 40m voice, a 2m station (FM and SSB), and a station running CW on a number of HF bands.

Watch Essex Ham’s Video Montage of GB1STB – 23 April 2015


The event started just after 10am at Galleywood Common, just off the A12. The event was organised for the Society by Charlie M0PZT, and you can read the official summary of the event on the CARS website.

Flying the flag - St George's Day at Galleywood Common 24 April 2015
Flying the flag – St George’s Day at Galleywood Common 24 April 2015

Despite taking place on a working day, over 20 amateurs were able to make it along, choosing either to operate one of the stations, or to watch others setting up and operating. A good mix of licence levels attended – Foundation, Intermediate and Full, as well as a newbie to the hobby – Dean is currently on the SEARS Foundation course, and was able to send his first guest message with the team’s help.

GB1STG at Galleywood Common 2015
GB1STG at Galleywood Common 2015 (Pic: Alan G0RTH)

In total, over a hundred contacts were logged, mostly in the UK. The 2m station was surprisingly busy too, logging over 30 simplex QSOs (including Sussex on FM, and Wiltshire & Lincolnshire on SSB)

James and Bob on the air for St George's Day at Galleywood Commin
James and Bob on the air for St George’s Day at Galleywood Common
Charlie M0PZT, calling CQ as GB1STG from Galleywood Common
Charlie M0PZT, calling CQ as GB1STG from Galleywood Common


Syma X5C Quadcopter
Syma X5C Quadcopter

Essex Ham’s new Quadcopter was in the air during the day, snapping aerial photos and images, some of which can be seen in our video montage. Those attending were surprised to discover that the quadcopter is a lot cheaper than many expect. The Syma X5C is under £40 and for the money, the video and stills captured are surprisingly good. If you’re interested in finding out more, see the Essex Ham Quadcopter page, or Check out the Syma X5C Quadcopter at

Aerial view of GB1STG, Galleywood Common - April 2015
Aerial view #1 of GB1STG, Galleywood Common April 2015 from the quadcopter
Aerial view of GB1STG, Galleywood Common - April 2015
Aerial view #2 of GB1STG, Galleywood Common – April 2015

The team from Galleywood Common successfully made contact with GB0STG – One of the handful of stations on-air to celebrate St George’s Day. As well as making noise on-air, we all had a lot of fun off-air chatting, experimenting, helping newcomers to HF to get up to speed, and talking to occasional passers-by who were curious about the abundance of fishing poles in the air.

A great day, and well done to so many for talking time off work, or away from home, to come and play radio with CARS on Galleywood Common.

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  1. M6UHN 22 April 2015 Reply
  2. 2E0NCE 23 April 2015 Reply
  3. 2E0NCE 24 April 2015 Reply

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