Repeater Abuse – Ofcom Takes Action

GB3DA Repeater Site in DanburyAccording to a report on the RSGB website, Ofcom has requested the temporary closedown of two amateur radio repeaters.

Ofcom has mandated that GB3DY at Wirksworth and GB3EE at Chesterfield go silent for 14 days. Both of these repeaters are 70cm analogue voice repeaters located between Sheffield and Derby.

There’s an example of the abuse here on YouTube, and some archived discussion from Usenet here.

The RSGB statement released on the 25th of August 2017 says:

“The RSGB’s Amateur Radio Observation Service and the Emerging Technology Coordination Committee are working to formalise an agreed process for dealing with unfortunate situations like this and will be contacting all Repeater Keepers once this is finalised.”

GB3DY Status (26 Aug 2017)
GB3DY Status (26 Aug 2017)

The RSGB is keen to emphasise the following:

“If a repeater is suffering abuse it is essential that users do not react or attempt to communicate with the abusers as doing so inevitably makes the situation worse.”

Taking action against repeater abuse

The official guidance on combating abuse can be found on the ETCC website at

This guidance includes the note that “It is a fundamental requirement of their NoV that Keepers are responsible for monitoring the traffic passing through their repeater and taking appropriate action to prevent unsuitable content being transmitted” and that they should be prepared to switch off repeaters, and to document and if possible record the offences taking place.

Also worthy of note – AROS. This is a volunteer service run by RSGB. According to their site, they investigate reports of licence infringements, or instances of poor operating practice which might bring the Amateur Service into disrepute. They can also act as an independent source to verify infringements. You can contact AROS, or submit reports by post or email – More on AROS

What can you do?

If you hear or experience abuse, keying or anything offensive on your local repeater:

  • Do not react, or mention the abuse / keying
  • Log it, and pass notes to the repeater keeper
  • Consider reporting it to AROS

Handy Links

Hear Keying on GB3DA (Danbury, Essex)? Log it here: GB3DA Project QRM


  1. Shaun 28 December 2018 Reply
  2. g3zhi 29 December 2018 Reply
    • David m1dcj 4 January 2019 Reply
  3. Paul (M0DVD) 4 January 2019 Reply
  4. John G1UZN 16 October 2019 Reply
    • Barry G0NAD 3 December 2021 Reply
  5. tony brown.2e1twb 12 November 2019 Reply

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