Licence Update Letters On The Way

Ofcom Consultation - Sept 2014

We understand from the RSGB that Ofcom has started sending out letters to all UK radio amateurs notifying them about the proposed licence changes. You should be getting your letter in the coming days, if you haven’t already. The letter gives notice of the proposed changes and the option to appeal the changes.

If you want to know what’s being changed, see our summary: Ofcom Licence Changes – Consultation Results

What’s being changed:

  • Changes to how often a callsign has to be given
  • 470kHz and 5MHz bands available to Full licence holders without the need for an NoV
  • Changes to allow a club to keep its callsign if the licence-holder leaves that club
  • Changes to licence revocation if the holder has been convicted of an offense under the WTA
  • Allow encryption, if requested by a User Service or when assisting with communications at a time of emergency
  • Some other minor wording changes

Update from RSGB

The following announcement has been circulated by Graham Coomber, the RSGB General Manager:

As you will be aware, Ofcom are required to give all licenced radio amateurs notice that they intend to vary licences in line with their decisions following last year’s consultation.  That process has now begun and letters are being sent out.

It has been brought to our attention that some amateurs have received a letter suggesting that their callsign now includes the RSL “E”.  Ofcom have confirmed that this is an error and not a change in policy.  I am advised that Ofcom intend to publish an explanation on their website (which we will replicate on ours).

Got your letter? Add a comment below and let us know your thoughts…


  1. Duncan Bray G4MKI 8 January 2015 Reply
  2. M5AKA 9 January 2015 Reply
  3. M5AKA 9 January 2015 Reply
  4. Duncan Bray G4MKI 9 January 2015 Reply

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