Louis takes to the air with TAARC & Essex Ham

Thanks to the team at Thurrock Acorns for an update on another recent success story for amateur radio training and getting youngsters into the hobby.

In October 2015, 12 year-old Louis Newton visited the scout event ‘Jamboree on the Air’ (JOTA) which was being run at the 1st Grays Scout HQ in Grays. Little did Louis know the impact this visit would make on his life. While there he saw the radio equipment and the operators talking to both UK and overseas JOTA stations. As he sat there watching he became fascinated and wanted to know more.

After talking to a member of the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club (TAARC), Louis decided he wanted to obtain his licence so he embarked upon training towards his Foundation licence. For the next two months, he undertook intensive training which included completing online modules using Essex Ham’s Foundation Online course and attended a training weekend before taking the exam.

He was ecstatic when the letter arrived recently advising him that he had passed his Foundation exam. He was then able to apply for his foundation licence and callsign – M6LGG. He’s now busy talking on the airwaves to amateurs who live in Essex/Kent.

Picture shows Louis M6LGG talking on the airwaves
Picture shows Louis M6LGG talking on the airwaves

His next challenge is to erect an antenna which will enable him to communicate (voice, data or TV pictures) with fellow amateurs around the globe.

Nicholas Wilkinson chairman of TAARC said: “Once Louis knew he wanted to get a licence he became very focused and worked hard to pass the exam. I have been told he does not wish to stop here and is now looking at the next level – his intermediate licence. The interest has not stopped with Louis as his mother is now considering taking her foundation licence”.

Since the story was released, Louis’s mother Paula, has enrolled in Essex Ham’s online course with plans to sit her Foundation exam with TAARC in the near future.

Foundation Online: Course 02 Progress
Essex Ham’s Foundation Online – Virtual Classroom


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  1. M0LMR 30 January 2016 Reply
  2. Paula 30 January 2016 Reply
  3. 2E0EMO 30 January 2016 Reply
  4. Rachel 31 January 2016 Reply

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