GB1JSS Summer Solstice June 2017

On this page, you’ll find a summary of the GB1JSS “June Summer Solstice” 2017 activities.

This year, event organiser Charlie M0PZT not only arranged for an all-day activation on the day itself, but also a field day on the Sunday before, and the Saturday after.

The three days of operation using the callsign GB1JSS, are as follows:

  • Sunday 18th : 10am onwards, opposite the Horse & Groom pub (Details & Map)
  • Wednesday 21st : 6am onwards at the Galleywood Common car-park (Details & Map)
  • Saturday 24th : 10am onwards opposite the Horse & Groom pub (Details & Map)

Day 1: Sunday 18 June

The first day of the activation was on a warm Sunday close to the Horse & Groom pub, on Galleywood Common. Sadly, bands not in great shape, and the hot and humid weather wasn’t ideal. Stations active were HF and VHF. Here are a few photos:

GB1JSS 2017 - Sunday Pic 01

GB1JSS 2017 - Sunday Pic 02

GB1JSS 2017 - Sunday Pic 03

Day 2: Wednesday 21 June

Charlie was the first of the team on-site, arriving at 5:30am. As the day progressed, a good number of amateurs and visitors turned up, and at the height of the event, we had six HF and one VHF station active.

Here are a few photos from Wednesday’s GB1JSS activation at Galleywood Common.
GB1JSS 2017 - Wednesday Photo

GB1JSS 2017 - Wednesday Group Photos 02

GB1JSS 2017 - Wednesday Group Photos 01

Day 3: Saturday 24 June

The third and final event, starting from 10am at the pub location in Galleywood. (Details & Map)

The event is organised by Charlie M0PZT, and is supported by Essex Ham. All are welcome. Come and have fun!

June Summer Solstice 2017: Interview with Chartlie M0PZT (4 mins, mp3 format)

For more interviews and features, check out Essex Ham’s online radio station – Essex Ham on TuneIn



Event Photos:

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