Intermediate Practicals at Waters & Stanton

CARS LogoThanks to the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society’s training team for the following news item:

Following on from the success of the recent Intermediate Practicals workshop in July, CARS will again be offering the chance to prepare for Intermediate, this time at Waters & Stanton in Hockley.

The Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society will be holding an Intermediate Practicals Workshop in November. Organised by the CARS Training team, the training is available to anyone. The workshop gives Foundation licence holders the chance to complete the practical part of the Intermediate course and have this signed off ready for them to take their exam with a club of their choice. The workshops will be run by registered RSGB Trainers and Assessors and will take place over two evenings.

Intermediate Practicals at CARS
Intermediate Practicals at CARS

Course Details

  • Location: Waters & Stanton, 22 Main Road, Hockley, Essex SS5 4QS
  • Dates: Wednesday 18th & 25th November 2015
  • Time: 7pm-9pm
  • Venue: Waters & Stanton Main Road Hockley
  • Cost: £12.50

The cost includes all project materials. The RSGB Intermediate Licence course book will be required, which can be proved by CARS for an extra cost of £5.50 or ordered online (Intermediate Licence at Amazon)

As time is limited, preparation before is advised and should include awareness of the resistor colour code and basic circuit symbols, as these are used in the practicals. All the equipment and tools needed will be provided by CARS/

Pre-booking and payment is essential for this two evening course as places are limited. For more information and the registration form, please contact Peter Davies M0PSD via m0psd at – For any other information about this or any other CARS training courses, see

For more information on what’s involved with the Intermediate practical assessments, see our guide to the Amateur Radio Intermediate Practicals

Waters & Stanton Open Day May 2015
Waters & Stanton in Hockley
CARS Intermediate Practical Nov 2015 Flier
CARS Intermediate Practical Nov 2015 Flier

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