CARS launches Intermediate Practicals Workshop

CARS LogoCARS, the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society has launched a new service to compliment its popular training courses… “Intermediate Practicals Workshop”

Those looking to progress from Foundation to Intermediate now have another option to help them to progress – Starting in July, CARS will be  running two “Practical Workshops” where Foundation licencees can complete all of the practical assignments needed for the Intermediate exam. These session are ideal for those not wanting to wait until a full course is offered by their local club, as well as for those in the area who are members of clubs not able to offer Intermediate practical sessions.

How does it work?

Sign up to the Intermediate Practicals Workshop , where you’ll be able to complete the required practicals: wiring a mains plug, circuit construction, soldering RF connectors, VFO calibration and construction of a suitable kit.

Intermediate Practicals at CARS
Intermediate Practicals at CARS

Under the supervision of an RSGB-registered assessor, you can get your Intermediate Practical Assessment slip completed, which will enable you to sit the Intermediate exam at a club of your choosing.

The workshops are available to all – no need to be a member of CARS. They will run over two consecutive Thursday evenings at the CARS training centre, the Danbury Village Hall.

CARS Intermediate Practicals at Danbury Village Hall
CARS Intermediate Practicals at Danbury Village Hall

Study Material

Intermediate Licence Book
Intermediate Licence Book from Amazon

It is strongly recommended that you order yourself a copy of the Intermediate book before joining this session, and familiarise yourself with what you’ll need to know to complete the practicals. The Intermediate Licence Book is available from or direct from RSGB

You’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Resistor colour code (inside back cover of the Intermediate book)
  • Electrical symbols (inside front cover of the Intermediate book)

It will also help to study: “Building a simple DC circuit (page 8), fitting a mains plug (page 11), Measuring PD, Current & Resistance (pages 15 & 16 & 23), calibrating a VFO (pages 36-37), using diodes (page 40) and coax connectors (pages 65-66)

For more information on what’s involved, see our guide to the Amateur Radio Intermediate Practicals

More Information

The first Intermediate Practicals Workshop takes place at 7pm on Thursday the 2nd of July 2015, with week 2 on the 9th of July.

Price for the two week Workshop is £15, which includes hall hire and the project materials.

Places for the July 2015 are limited, so you’ll need to book quickly. You can find a booking form on the CARS website, or for more details, you can contact Peter Davies, M0PSD via m0psd [at]

Peter M0PSD at the CARS Skills Construction Corner
Peter M0PSD at the CARS Skills Construction Corner

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One Comment

  1. James 2e1gua 8 June 2015 Reply

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