On a bright but slightly breezy Saturday, a group Essex Hams gathered at the popular Galleywood Common operating spot for an afternoon’s radio outing.

Over a dozen amateurs from around the county met on Saturday the 7th of March 2015 to work HF (using a mag loop and fishing pole antenna), plus try some 2m SSB using Charlie M0PZT’s beam.
The 2m beam produced some good results in today’s contest, which was the RSGB “March 144/432” contest. Stations worked included Wales, plus the station OP7V in Belgium.
The contest required an exchange consisting of RS(T), Serial Number and Locator Square. Compared to HF, a VHF/UHF contest operation requires additional skill because you have to ensure that you’re beaming in the right direction, so this involves get either a partial (or full) Callsign or their Locator Square in order to ascertain their bearing from your location. 2 yagi setups are common as it enables you to have “Continental” and “Inland” directivity at the flick of a switch. When calling CQ, it’s normal to call a few times, move the beam, call some more etc. Signals fluctuate, and there is an emphasis on “real” signal reports so working those who are only 5/1 can be done, and there’s more tolerance for QSB as every QSO Point counts!

The event was organised by Charlie M0PZT (taking a day off from Ham Goodies) and Peter G0DZB.
Charlie was operating his Yaesu FT-857 at 50 watts from a 7AH lead-acid battery. The beam was a 5ele Maspro Yagi – purchased from W&S in around 2002 – they don’t sell these any more, but the closest equivalent seems to be the Diamond A144S5R. The fibreglass mast was DZB’s – a military surplus item.
It was great to see two of the recent CARS Foundation course graduates turning up, as well as many of the Galleywood /P regulars keen to enjoy some sunshine and RF.

Those not able to make today’s event in Galleywood may like to attend tomorrow’s get-together at Shoebury East Beach, near Southend. More details: Essex Hams Active 7/8 Mar 2015

Was a lovely afternoon, enjoyed by everyone, and lovely to meet new people ….and xena loved playing fetch with all the amateurs too xx
Sorry I missed you both – I had another engagement, so was a little late to today’s party!
Never mind we,ll see you at shoebury beach tomorrow .