The second Essex Ham Young Ladies Net started at 8pm on Saturday the 5th of December 2015.
The YL Net is hosted by Dorothy M0LMR, one of the regulars on our weekly Monday Night Net. With so many regular YL contributors, the idea of an Essex-wide YL net has been discussed for some time, and Dorothy has stepped up to the plate to run the first one.

Where and When?
The second Young Ladies YL Net took place on Saturday the 5th of December 2015. Start time 8pm, on the GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater
The net wrapped up at 9:30pm
Net Attendees
Here’s the attendance list for this week’s net:
- Dorothy M0LMR, Basildon
- Laura M6LHT, Southend-on-Sea
- Lisa M6KIS, Witham
- Rachel G6AMY
- Stella G0EKP, Chadwell St Mary
A couple of stray non-YL popped up too, just to say hello, or came up at the end of the net with congrats:
- Gordon 2E0IRX, Witham
Topics for the evening, as follows:
- Favourite types of chocolate
- Cooking
- Well done to Majbritt, Essex’s newest YL, who passed with SEARS yesterday
How the Net Works…
The Net is moderated by a ‘Controller’. The controller for the YL net is Dorothy M0LMR. The Net operates in a rotation. The Chairperson keeps a list of who’s on frequency, and tries to give everyone a turn in rotation. We try to leave regular pauses to invite others to join. If you want to be added to the list, just get the controller’s attention by calling “break” with your callsign when there’s a pause, or wait for the controller to ask for new people to join.
Remember, the GB3DA Danbury repeater has a timeout of 2 minutes – please try to keep your turn within the timeout.
Live Chat: During the Net, we run an Internet chatroom. Go to to get chatting – You need to create a free Essex Ham account to access our chatroom. |
Internet Feed: Not in range of GB3DA? Several Internet feeds are available, including: Monday Night Net uStream (Thanks to Nick M0NFE) – There’s also Essex Ham’s Audio Feed (In BETA, and not always online). On a Smartphone, try SouthEastRadio on Zello |