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Selecting a Callsign (Foundation) (2 replies and 4 comments)

6 months ago
Andyuk1 6 months ago

Hi all, Just passed my Foundation license.

So next I need to select a M7 callsign with additional 3 letters. Can these letters be a letters and numbers ? There doesn't seem to be much choice if it's just letters. 

6 months ago
M5AKA 6 months ago

It's just 3 letters, I take it you'll looked through the spreadsheet of calls?

You can only select from the M7 call block Online but if you do a Manual Application costing £20 you can select a call from either the M3 or M6 call blocks, see

George M0URB
6 months ago

Congratulations on getting your licence!
When you go to the Ofcom portal where you get the licence, you can choose whether to get a random three letter combination, in which case the next available combination will be allocated, or you can choose to select a suffix of your choice. In that case, the system will allow you to try any combination you want, and if that combination is not available it will ask you to choose another one. You can have as many tries as you want, but obviously it's a good idea to have a shortlist first.

6 months ago

Thanks George , managed to get M7UKL, It has one of my initals in it :-)

George M0URB
6 months ago

Brilliant, have fun with it!

5 months ago

It's probably just me missing something but when I follow the link to the callsign spreadsheet it just takes me to FOI Request letter ???

George M0URB
6 months ago
George M0URB 6 months ago

Sorry, I accidentally responded to M5AKA's post - I meant to reply here and used the wrong box.

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