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New Ofcom Callsign Spreadsheet Released (No replies)

6 months ago
M5AKA 6 months ago

In an FoI response on January 11, 2024, Ofcom released a new Spreadsheet containing 153,938 Amateur Radio callsigns showing Status and Last modified date.  Note it can't be read on a phone.
The previous release on Nov 18, 2023, had some 45,000 calls omitted because Product Field was blank & FoI request didn't ask for all Product types.

The database may be useful to enable those applying for a new licence to work out which callsigns are Not available. In theory any other amateur callsign not shown in the speadsheet should be available.  If the spreadsheet shows it as Allocated or Reserved then it is not available.

It is understood new Foundation holders can apply for 3 letter suffix callsigns from the M3, M6, M7 call blocks, Intermediate 2#0, 2#1 and Full G3, G5, M5 etc call blocks

Currently the only callsign blocks available to choose from online are M7 (Foundation), 2*0 (Intermediate) and M0 (Full).  To get a callsign from one of the other call blocks assigned to your licence class you need to do a manual application costing £20 (link to form below).
Callsign Database:
Licence Application Form:

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