CW Classes Restart in Sept 2017

Those interested in learning (or brushing up on) CW, might be interested in the following note from Morse instructor Andy G0IBN:

Morse Classes Starting Again


Morse classes will be starting again at Danbury Village Hall, 7pm, on Thursday, 7th September 2017.

These classes are designed for the complete beginner or, if you have a little experience, we can help to build up your speed and confidence on the key.
Instruction is also given on the use of the twin paddle key. Within 8 weeks – if you do your homework – we can get you on the key.

Your instructors will be Andy G0IBN, Oliver M0WAG and Dean G4WQI.

Just bring yourself, a pen and an A5 size note-book.

It is a fun night, you will be made very welcome.

For details, contact Andy, G0IBN on 01621 868347 or email

Reminder – There is a CW Boot-camp on Saturday the 21st of October 2017 (Details)

Andy G0IBN and Rob M0KCP, demonstrating CW
Andy G0IBN and Rob M0KCP, demonstrating CW

Learning Morse – video

Considering learning CW? Take a look at the following Essex Ham video, where we discuss getting started with the Essex CW Club:

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