Chelmsford Advanced and Foundation Exams

Some news for anyone looking to sit the Advanced exam in Essex this year, and for those looking to take the entry-level Foundation course.

Advanced Exam

Advanced Licence BookThe Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is planning to hold an Advanced Examination in Danbury on the evening of Thursday the 31st of May 2012.

Note that it is an exam only, and not a training session. It is assumed that you a) hold a valid Intermediate licence, and b) have done an appropriate amount of self-study. The fee for the exam-only session is £42.

Advanced Revision Course

Those looking to get the Full licence, but in need of some revision help should consider the Revision course. The next one runs from the 25th of October to the 29th of November 2012. The Advanced exam will take place on Wednesday the 5th of December 2012. Cost is £55, including the exam fee.

Foundation Course

Foundation Licence BookThere are places for the next Foundation Course, but as the last one was over-subscribed, you may want to secure your place early.

The next six-week course takes place in Danbury Village Hall from Thursday the 30th of August 2012 to the 4th of October 2012.

The cost is £50 which includes room hire, the exam fee and a copy of the ‘Foundation Now!’ manual.

Booking a Place

If you want to book a place on any of the courses or exams being held by the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society, contact Clive Ward G1EUC, the CARS Training Co-ordinator. Call 01245-224577, or email training2012 at

For more details, visit the CARS Training Page.

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