CARS Foundation Training Exam Results Oct 2013

Well done to all eight candidates of the latest Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society Foundation training course.

This is the first time that the club has completed an exam using the new Optical Marking system, and indicative local marking shows that all eight passed. Six days from now, the candidates should receive their paperwork from RSGB and can apply online for their licence and callsign (See How to get your licence)

CARS Foundation Passes  - Oct 2013
CARS Foundation Passes – Oct 2013

We’re pleased to welcome the following new “Essex Hams” to the fold: Ann, Cathy, Lee, Tony, Dave, Daniel, Steve and Giles. Looking forward to working you soon… please make them welcome on an upcoming Monday Night Net.

CARS Foundation Passes  - Oct 2013
CARS Foundation Passes – Oct 2013

Tonight’s exam marked the end of another successful training course for CARS (their 28th Foundation course), and the team will be back together for the Full licence revision course later in October, with another Foundation course in the diary for January.

More details on training with CARS: Chelmsford ARS Training

One Comment

  1. John Bowen, G8DET 11 October 2013 Reply

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