Take Part in the Essex Ham 2019 Survey

We’ve just launched our annual UK Amateur Radio Survey, to get a snapshot of one or more aspects of the hobby.

This year, the theme is ‘Progression and Engagement’, with the aim of finding out the following:

  • What parts of the hobby interest you?
  • How do you like to learn and discover more?
  • What help & support can your club(s) offer you?
  • What needs to change to ensure the growth of the hobby?
  • Involved in running a club? What would help you?

This year’s theme has been chosen in the light of the aims of the RSGB 2022 Strategy, and recent “hot topic” discussion of progression, retention and national club structures.

The survey is open to everyone in the UK – You don’t need to be an Essex Ham member, or from Essex, to have your say

If you have a spare few minutes, we’d appreciate you taking our 2019 survey.

You don’t need to be a member of a club to take part, and you don’t have to be in Essex.

The final results will be released in July, although we’ll be publishing updates now and again over the coming weeks.

Amateur Radio Club Survey Graphic

Keep an eye out for updates on our 2019 survey soon.


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