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Talk to clubs by Trinity House (No replies)

6 years ago
2E0WMG 6 years ago

Last week at the Harwich Club we had a very interesting talk given by Karl Lumbers from Trinity House. The talk was about the history and current workings of Trinity House and the lighthouse service providing aids to navigation for seafarers in our waters. 

If any Club would like Karl to come along to one of their club nights to deliver his talk he is happy to do so, he is based just North of Colchester and covers most of East Anglia.

Trinity House don't charge for their talks which last around 40 mins to an hour, they supply all their own equipment although they do need a screen or can use a blank wall though if no screen is available.

Karl can be contacted by email here 

karl.lumbers (at)

I know clubs can sometimes struggle to find interesting talks for their members so hopefully this may help.


Kevan 2E0WMG 

Secretary - Harwich Amateur Radio Interest Group (AKA the Harwich Club) 

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