Royal Wedding – Adding your “R”?

OfCom R Nov May 2018This Saturday, the 19th of May 2018 sees the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

To allow amateurs to commemorate this event, Ofcom has allowed licence-holders to apply for a temporary RSL (Regional Secondary Locator) which can be used for 3 days. With the change:

  • M6QQQ would become MR6QQQ
  • 2E0QQQ would become 2R0QQQ
  • G8QQQ would become GR8QQQ
  • M0QQQ would become MR0QQQ

To be able to use your “R”, you need to apply for an NoV (Notice of Variation). This takes about 2 minutes and is available to all UK licence levels.

How to apply for the Royal Wedding “R”:

To apply, you’ll need your call sign, licence number (from the front page of your licence) and your email address.

It’s a simple form, and you’ll be able to download the PDF straight after completing the online application

Please note the NoV is only valid from the 19th to the 21st May 2018

Similar variants to callsigns for special occasions (e.g. “O” for Olympics, “Q” for the Queen’s Jubilee) have generated on-air interest, especially from overseas prefix-collectors, so even if you’re not excited about the Royal Wedding, you might find the world wants to get you in their logbook.

Note that you might want to give your “R” an outing on 2, as it’s the RSGB 144MHz May Contest (from 1400UTC on Saturday the 19th of May for 24 hours) – Essex Ham may be out-and-about over the weekend, so keep an eye out on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

Will you be using an “R” this weekend? Let us know in the box below…


  1. James 17 May 2018 Reply
  2. Andrew M6XFC 17 May 2018 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 17 May 2018 Reply
  3. 2E0WHB 17 May 2018 Reply
  4. G7OED 18 May 2018 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 18 May 2018 Reply
      • G7OED 19 May 2018 Reply
  5. Rachel 19 May 2018 Reply

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